Chapter 9 - New friends

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Shawn's POV

After getting ready me and my dad headed the not so familiar way to the house I partially grew up in. Seeing the streets in which I played and lived for so long gave me this feeling of nostalgia that I didn't know was possible to have and seeing the house again made me think back to the moments where I would take Aaliyah outside to play for her or play with her. The house was slightly different but again it had been may years since I've been here.

"You okay?" My dad's voice brought me out of my daze.

"Yeah, it's just a little bit different that's all." I smiled and he didn't seem convinced but decided not to push for more.

He rang the doorbell and it took about about 10 seconds for what looked like a 10 year old to open the door with a smile.

"Tio!" The little boy smiled and hugged my dad who hugged him back.

"Hey buddy! Where's your dad and mom?" My dad asked. The little guy pointed towards what I recognized was the living room. My dad had told me they were Brazilians who moved here for the chance of a better life and I was touched when the little guy called my dad Tio.

We walked into the living room and were met by a tall guy maybe 6'3, brunette and built. A woman who must be about about 5'1 also brunette with curves and a teenager who must be about my age 5'4 brunette just like her mother with features that looked like her dad and mom. It was like she was 50/50 out of both of them. Her hair was slightly curled and immediately reminded me of Camila who had wave-like hair.

"Ah you must be Shawn!" The tall guy extended his hand out to me. I shook his hand and nodded.

"Nice to meet you sir." I said formally.

"Not sir you can call my Marcus or tio whatever you're comfortable with. This is my wife Maribella and my daughter Raquel." I shook hands with all of them and then the little boy said.

"Hi! Am Eduardo nice to meet you Shawn! Do you like legos? Do you prefer Marvel or DC comics and what is your favorite superhero?" He rambled.

"Slow down buddy let himself breathe a little." His dad laughed, placing a loving hand on the boy's shoulder.

"Well hello Eduardo," I bent down to his height. "I really like legos and I prefer Marvel over DC when it comes to movies but I prefer DC over Marvel when it comes to series and my favorite superhero is Iron man because he can adapt to whatever environment." The boy's face was priceless. He had a huge smile on his face and his eyes shined like he just met someone who he never thought would understand him. His dad's eyes were wide along with his mother's eyes and his sister was looking at me with a look of admiration.

I chuckled and went on to meet the rest of the family that my father talks so much about. Their daughter was pretty but it seemed like no one could take my mind off of Camila. This girl was gorgeous, single, and here I was babbling about my best friend back home and how it was to grow up being surrounded by women. And she listened, it was like she was hanging on to every word I was saying.

We talked and laughed throughout dinner and when it was time to go Eduardo was sad and said that next time I would have to see his comics collection. I nodded and said I would be honored too.

Truth was that I always loved comics and you might be thinking how was Camila with that? Well... she loved them even more than me. She had a huge collection and part of the reason why me and her were so close was that in middle school girls didn't like comics but Camila loved them and the boys made fun of me for liking comics so much but not Camila. So me and her would sit on the grass during lunch and would read comics until the bell rang and we had to go back to reality.

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