Chapter 9

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Baby, I am a wreck when I'm without you. I need you here to stay.

Your POV:
We finally got to the train station and a train was due in 1 minute. We quickly tapped in and ran to the platform, making it there as the train was due. We hopped on and sat down, waiting for the train to depart. It was a close call though. We waited a while before the train reached Tokyo.

We left the train station and I led Kageyama to my house. Surprised I remembered the way still. We finally got there and I found the spare key that I hid under the doormat. I unlocked the door, and invited Kageyama inside. We both took our shoes off and I led Kageyama to where the photos and photo albums were kept. I found the room and we both went inside.

"So what exactly are we looking for?" Kageyama asked.

"Some photo albums of me and Kousei." I reply.

We sat down and started sifting through the photo albums. Kageyama found a couple and so did. Since it had been so long since I last saw Kousei I had to try so hard not to cry when looking at all the photos. To the point where I had to ask Kageyama if he wanted a drink. He said no, so I excused myself and went "to go and get one". When in reality I was headed to my bedroom.

I practically ran up the stairs and started crying into my pillow once I got to my room. I missed him so much. I didn't even want to admit that I did miss him. Because then I would be admitting that I haven't gotten over that fact. That I haven't gotten over him passing away. It's been almost a month. I know they say grief is a long process, but... I need to move on. No matter how much it pains me to do so. I have to.

Knock. Knock.

"Yes?" I say, still sniffling.

"Y/N? Why are you crying?" Kageyama asks.

"I guess I should tell you the truth huh?" I pause. "I'm not sure how much you heard from that basketball captain, but he was right." I continue.

"Right? What do you mean?" Kageyama says, confused.

"When he stopped me from leaving and started questioning about someone. Yes. I was the Nekoma High basketball captain's girlfriend." I pause.

"Why 'was'?" Kageyama asks.

"Because... the whole reason I asked you or Shoyo to come to Tokyo with me today... is because... he passed away almost a month ago. It's a month on Monday. I came here to collect some final memories so I can try to move on." I say, trying not to cry.

Kageyama's POV:
I... I didn't even know what to say. I had no idea. No idea why she moved to Miyagi. I didn't know the real reason. I thought she moved because she actually wanted a fresh start. I didn't know it was because she lost someone. Damn. I feel so bad now.

"Y/N. I... I didn't know." I say.

"No. No. It's fine. How about we go and get some food before heading back to Miyagi? My treat!" She says, trying to lighten the mood.

Your POV:
"Yeah ok that sounds good." Kageyama replies.

Me and Kageyama packed up all of the photo albums and left my house. It had been a couple weeks since I'd been in Tokyo so I knew the perfect place to go to for food. It's a cute little ramen restaurant in the backstreets of Tokyo. Me, Kenma and Kuroo used to go there all the time. Hopefully I remember how to get there. It's one of those places where you have to actually know the place well to actually find it. It's that well-hidden.

"So where are we headed?" Kageyama asks, breaking the silence.

"A ramen restaurant I know about. It's hard to find though. You'd have to know Tokyo well to find it." I reply.

"And how did you find it?" Kageyama asks.

"Let's just say that one day me and my friend did something really stupid and ended up coming across it by accident. I never talk about that day. Never. Only 2 people know about it." I reply, cringing at the event in question.

"Do your parents know?" Kageyama curiously asks.

"Oh god no. Never. They wouldn't let me live alone if they found that out." I pause. "Oh wait. Crap. 6 people know. And four of them are massive loudmouths." I add.

"I err just remembered that Daichi asked me to ask you something." Kageyama says.

"Oh? What is that?" I ask.

"The whole team found out from boke how good you were at volleyball and wanted you to be the manager in time for the joint training camp with Nekoma, Fukurodani, Shinzen and Ubugawa." Kageyama says.

"Wait. Fukurodani is gonna be there?!" I internally panicked.

"Erm yeah sure sounds cool." I say trying to play off the fact that Fukurodani is gonna be there.

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