Chapter 7

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I miss the days when I had a smile on my face and wasn't so caught up in all of the small things. Wasn't so adamant that I could handle everything alone. And wasn't so cautious and always exhausted.

Your POV:
"Because I asked you to." Someone said.

The basketball captain (who I don't know his name) looked at the person and then tutted his teeth before walking away, looking annoyed. I then turned to the mystery person and saw two people. It was Kageyama and Hinata. I blushed but quickly looked at the floor. Finding a way to say thank you while hoping they didn't hear anything. I really hope they didn't.

Kageyama's POV:
If I heard the guy correctly, he said something about someone dying. Is that why she looked so upset when Hinata mentioned love?

Your POV:
I didn't even know what to say. Or do. I just stood there. Frozen in place. Not knowing if I should talk or not. All I could remember is a lyric from a song I used to play on repeat.

Can you feel my tears they won't dry. Can you feel my tear drops of the loneliest girl.

I used to feel so lonely. Constantly cooped up in my own house. Not wanting to go out at all. Now, I've moved out of the house that was suffocating me so much. All the memories. Good ones but also unwanted ones. I've finally been able to cut away some of my ties. I still feel weighed down by grief but that can't be helped. It's been three weeks. I'm not gonna simply get over it in such a short period of time. It's impossible for me. I still need those ties. I still miss him. So much. I can't remember the last time I saw him smile.

Reminiscing on what I didn't want to, I finally realised something. Maybe, if I found some old pictures of me and Kousei together, smiling, it might help ease the pain. At least that way I can still see his face. Maybe I could even ask Kageyama and Hinata to help. Nope. Bad idea. Then they'd know. But then again it is worth telling someone. Fuck it. I'll tell them. Kinda. I'll tell a little white lie. Tell them I'm looking for pictures of me and my childhood friend. That could work, right?

"Hey erm Kageyama? Thank you. For before." I mumble.

"Your welcome." Kageyama says.

"Hey erm do you guys wanna come do something with me after school?" I ask before realising I cannot go back on this now.

"Sure. What do you have in mind?" Hinata says.

"Well, when I moved to Miyagi from Tokyo, I kind of didn't get a chance to grab everything I needed from my house. I was wondering if you guys wanted to come to Tokyo today and help? It is a Friday after all. You could always stay at mine for the weekend." I say before realising I actually said the last part out loud.

"I can ask my mum, but it sounds like a cool idea. I've always wanted to go to Tokyo!" Hinata says, jumping up and down.

"Yeah, sounds good." Kageyama says.

"Cool.So meet after school?" I say.

"Yeah." Kageyama says.

"Oh, that's the bell." Hinata said. "See you in fitness and after school." Hinata says as he runs to the changing rooms.

"Fitness? What do you mean?" I question.

"We have fitness now!" Hinata shouts across the courtyard.

"Oh... I see." I reply.

I follow Kageyama and Hinata to the changing rooms and start getting ready for fitness. I quickly changed and waited for the teacher to tell us where to go. Once we were told, I started to head towards the gym to find the boys are there. Which means we're probably doing a joint session. Which is fine. I just wonder what we are actually doing. We were ushered into the gym and told what we would be doing for the lesson.

"Ok so today we are playing volleyball." The teacher paused and I could see the smiles on Kageyama's and Hinata's faces. "And we will put you into teams." The teacher continued.

"Shoyo. Kageyama. Kai. Kaede. Misa and Isla. You are one team." The teacher said and continued naming the teams until yours was named.

"Fumihiro. Hiroki. Hisashi. Kaiya. Naoko and Y/N are on the final team." The teacher says.

"You have five minutes to work on strategy." The teacher adds. "Go!"

Ok so who knows how to play volleyball?" Fumihiro asks.

"I know the basic rules. I suggest we just wing it." Hisashi says.

"If I may. I suggest Fumihiro, Hisashi and Naoko at the front. Hiroki and Kaiya in the middle and I'll be in the back." I suggest.

"Good idea. But who's the blockers, attackers, Libero and setter?" Hisashi asks.

"I'll be the Libero. Hisashi, you can be the setter. The blockers are the front row. And they can attack if they want. And then Hiroki and Kaiya can be the main attackers." I say.

"Ok I think we got this in the bag." Fumihiro exclaims.

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