Chapter 3

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It ain't fair; you died too young. Like the story that had just begun. But death tore the pages all away. God knows how I miss you.

Your POV:
Kuroo eventually came back, carrying 3 cans of drinks. He handed one to Kenma and then one to me which we both thanked him for. I just held the drink for a while, too busy staring into nothingness while Kuroo and Kenma opened theirs. Soon the train arrived, and we all got on, me still holding the drink in my hand without opening it. This time, Kuroo and Kenma could tell I was on edge about something. They got my attention. Somehow. And pointed to my drink. To which I said oh and opened it. As a cover for the fact that I actually am on edge about this whole travelling to another school.

"Hey what's up? You seem. I dunno. On edge about something." Kuroo eventually asked.

"Who? Me? No. I'm not on edge. I can't lie my way out of this one can I?" I reply.

"Nope." Kuroo says.

"Fine. I guess I'm just on edge since I haven't been out in 3 weeks. And the fact that I'm travelling to a new school at that. No one there knows right?" I ask.

"Nope. I haven't told a soul. Only me, Kenma and anyone who knew Kousei knows." Kuroo replies.

"I see..." I reply, trying not to get upset at the mention of his name.

I genuinely thought I'd be over this by now. Back to living my normal life. Back to smiling real smiles. But every time his name is mentioned. I can't help but almost cry. Because I think about all those precious memories we made. And all the time we spent together. I can't remember a single time when Kousei made me unhappy. Or didn't treat me right. We loved each other. And even thought that we were soulmates. But. That didn't last. And I still blame myself for that.

After a while of getting lost in thought, I hadn't even realised we were almost at our stop. Kuroo told me the next one we would be getting off at and I nodded in agreement. I sure do hope no one at this school figured out my real reason for moving so suddenly. I don't want people to feel sorry for me. I don't.

The train pulled into the station and the three of us got off, making our way to the train station's exit. We left the train station and began the short walk to Karasuno. What Kuroo didn't tell me is that we'd have to walk up a giant hill to get to the fucking school. I sighed and decided to leave them in the dirt and just run to the school. You see, what Kuroo and Kenma didn't know is that I've trained my body in a way that a volleyball player would. Heck I could even be a volleyball player though I choose not to. It's not my thing.

I didn't know which way I was going so I just guessed and hoped I got it right. Which I did. Surprisingly. When I got to the school, it seemed kinda lonely. No one was there. I walked around a bit and managed to find their gym. I heard the sound of balls bouncing off the floor and immediately knew it was a volleyball club. Wait don't tell me Kuroo has signed me up for a school that rivals Nekoma?! Damn him. Oh well. No one would know me here. I hope. As long as I didn't bump into the basketball team. And I just bumped into the basketball teams Captain cos I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. Clumsy me (!)

"Hey. Watch where you are going." The captain said.

"I'm sorry. I apologise. I wasn't paying attention." I replied.

"Wait a minute. I think I recognise you. Don't you always come and watch the basketball matches?" The captain asked.

"You must have me mistaken for someone else." I say as I try to walk away.

"And where do you think you're going. I'm not done talking to you." He says.

"Well I am so I'm leaving." I say sternly.

The guy wouldn't leave me alone. Instead he decides to back me up against a damn wall to stop me from going anywhere.

"I said I wasn't done talking. Now. Tell me the truth and I'll leave you alone." The captain says with a lace of venom in his tone.

"Like I already told you. You have me mistaken for someone else. Now leave me the fuck alone." I say, slapping the guys face.

Oh he did not like that at all. Instead, he decides to grab my wrist and push me against the wall. Oh I was having none of this. I grabbed his other arm and twisted it, forcing him to let go. By now, I'd caused quite the commotion and a couple people from inside the gym came outside. What seems like the volleyball's captain, cleared his throat, gaining the attention of the other Captain. He looked up and immediately let go of my arm and walked away. The other guy came up to me, making sure I was ok before ushering me in the gym and asking me to explain what had just occurred.

"What just happened?" He said.

"Erm. Basically I came here with two friends cos I might be joining this school. Funny thing is, I ran away from my friends cos they didn't tell me we'd have to climb a hill to get here. Then the basketball team captain approached me saying I was familiar, but I denied and tried to walk away. But he wouldn't let me. Then that happened." I explained.

"Makes sense." The guy replies.

"Wait. Did you just say you left your friends behind?! Bit unfair don't you think?" Another guy says.

"I guess. But they did kinda drag me here. You see I didn't really want to go out today. But Kuroo decided it would be a fun idea to get me enrolled here since I'm home schooled." I reply.

Shit. Now I've gotta tell that lie to Kuroo and Kenma. Telling them that's the reason I'm at a new school. Fun (!)

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