Chapter 13

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What am I now? What am I now? What if I'm someone I don't want around? I'm falling again, I'm falling again, I'm falling. What if I'm down? What if I'm out? What if I'm someone you won't talk about? I'm falling again, I'm falling again, I'm falling.

Your POV:
Me and Kaori left the room and headed to where we would be eating. I found Kageyama and sat down next to him. I smiled at everyone else and then started to eat. The day was going well until someone decided to walk over to our table.

"Hey. Hey. Hey." The annoying voice said.

"Ah. Bokuto. Hello." I say to him.

"Y/N? Is that you?" He says.

"Is this your team?" Bokuto asks.

"Yes." I mumble.

"Did you know, one time she got invited to some guy's party. Along with some other people I know. And basically, there was alcohol at this party. Y/N, being the innocent person she is, thought she was drinking apple juice. She had a couple glasses before Akaashi had to tell her she was drunk. Kuroo got drunk as well, and the two of them left the party early and started walking around Tokyo. They found a ramen restaurant and ate there. The funny part was that they came back to the party and started having a conversation in Korean, which neither of them can speak. Since then, somehow, Y/N has been fluent in Korean." Bokuto says laughing while I sit there blushing.

Bokuto then walked off and a couple people at my table started laughing. I knew it. I knew he was gonna say something. Great. I am never gonna live this down am I?

"Wait. Did that actually happen?" Noya said between laughs.

"Yes." I mumble.

I finished eating and decided to see if anyone was training in the gyms. Turns out, Kuroo, Kenma, Lev, Bokuto and Akaashi were in one of the gyms. I walked in and said hello to all of them before asking if they wanted to play a 3 on 3 match. Kuroo seemed sceptical at first but everyone (excluding Kenma) wanted to see how good I was at playing. So I teamed up with Bokuto and Akaashi. Leaving Kuroo and Kenma with Lev. I feel sorry for them. Lev's new to volleyball.

We played a quick match and me, Bokuto and Akaashi won. My shoulder was giving me a bit of grief but I ignored it and then Bokuto asked for another game. I agreed but Kuroo was still sceptical. He tried to read my face but couldn't. We played a couple more games until majority of us were tired. The majority being Kuroo, Lev, Kenma and Akaashi. Me and Bokuto decided to have a competition to see who could stay up the longest. So when everyone left, we just started setting the ball to each other over the net. And we kept on doing it until Bokuto started to yawn.

"Ha! I win!" I beam.

"Ok. Ok. You win. I'm going to bed. Don't stay up too late." Bokuto says as he leaves the gym.

"I know." I reply.

Bokuto left and I continued to set the ball up. To be honest, I wasn't really paying attention to the time until someone appeared at the door. It was Kageyama.

"Hey. I'm going for a run. Want to join me?" Kageyama asks.

Wait. He doesn't know what happened yesterday. Nor does he know that I stayed up all night.

"Sure." I reply.

Me and Kageyama left the gym and the Nekoma grounds and started to jog. I'm not gonna lie, he keeps good pace. I managed to keep up with him as we watched the sun begin to rise. After a while, I stopped to take a breather. The lack of sleep was catching up to me. Also the pain as well. Kageyama kept going before stopping when he realised I wasn't beside him anymore.

"Hey. You ok?" Kageyama asks.

"Yeah. Yeah. I'm fine. I say.

"Let's head back before Daichi scolds us." Kageyama says.

"Yeah ok." I reply.

Kageyama's POV:
When I said we should turn back, I finally got to look at her face. Yup. I knew it. She had been up all night. She must be exhausted.

Your POV:
I am so tired right now. All I wanna do is sleep. When Kageyama wasn't looking, I placed my cold hand on my forehead. Crap, and I have a fever. I'll play it off as best I can. We headed back to Nekoma and I said to Kageyama that I was going to get changed and then come down for breakfast. He nodded and I went off to the girls room. I quietly went inside, not expecting everyone to be gone. Except Kaori.

"Hey. You didn't come back last night. Let me guess you stayed up all night?" Kaori asks.

"Yeah." I reply as I start taking my shirt off and getting changed.

Kaori snuck up behind me and turned me around to face her. She placed her hand on my forehead then sighed.

"Right. You are staying here today. You are not to leave this room, ok? I will sneak you food in." Kaori says.

"But..." I say, before Kaori interrupts.

"No buts. You stay here. You have a fever. I'll fill in for you today and I'll tell Yukie what's going on. I'm gonna have to tell your coach and captain though." Kaori says.

"Thank you so much Kaori. You are a lifesaver." I reply.

"No problem!" Kaori beams. "Now get some rest." She adds.

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