Chapter 4

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In my dreams I'll always see you soar above the sky. In my heart there'll always be a place for you. For all my life. I'll keep a part of you with me. And everywhere I am there you'll be.

Your POV:
"Wait. You're telling me that your friends with Kuroo." The second person says.

"Yeah. He was enrolling me here. He decided to take me here to show me the school." I reply.

"Yeah and I would be showing you the school and introducing you to everyone if you didn't run off." Kuroo replies.

I notice Kenma playing on his phone so decided to secretly text him about my little lie.

Ok so I may or may not have accidentally said I didn't go to school before. And that I was home schooled.


I'll let Kuroo know.

I saw Kenma secretly show Kuroo my plan (which was a bad one) and he nodded in agreement. I do admit it was a rubbish plan. I'm surprised Kuroo went along with it. Anyway, Kuroo decided he would introduce me for myself. I don't even know why. But anyway he did. Saves me from doing it I guess.

"This is Y/N. She's possibly gonna be joining this school and she used to be home schooled. If she decides to join this school. Actually Daichi, can I talk to you? Outside?" Kuroo suddenly says.

"Ok?" Said person responds with, leaving me and Kenma (the antisocial group) with a group of very social people. I mean. I don't think all of them are social.

Kuroo's POV:
"So. What did you want to talk to me about?" Daichi asks.

"It's about Y/N." I respond.

"What about her?" Daichi says.

"You probably didn't notice, but she's not exactly a social butterfly. I wanted to enrol her here cos I think she'd do well here. She's good academically and she has the stamina of a runner. She even knows how to play volleyball and she's good at it. National-level good. I feel like her potential is being wasted when she's homeschooled." I reply realising I might've said too much.

"How do you know so much about her?" Daichi questions.

"We're friends. Good ones." I say. Hoping Daichi buys the lie.

"Oh ok. Let's go back and see how she feels about joining Karasuno." Daichi responds.

Phew. He bought it.

Your POV:
Why did they decided to go outside? Don't tell me. He told Daichi? He better not have. I told him not to. I think Kenma and a member of Karasuno noticed how on edge I was. I hate crowded places. So much. Can Kuroo hurry up already? I wanna go. I wanna join the school. But I don't wanna be here right now. Maybe I'll come back tomorrow. When I decide I'm gonna start school. Actually. I might try and find an apartment near the school. With my families help.

"So? Have you decided?" Daichi asks.

"Yeah..." I reply.

"And?" Kuroo adds.

"I'll join." I reply.

"Nice!" Kuroo says.

"Now if you don't mind. I have something I'd like to do before I head back to my house. Excuse me." I say, before bowing, then leaving.

I decided now of all times to call my mother and ask her for advice. She doesn't know about Kousei passing away. Great. I'll have to tell her over the call.

Y/N - Hello?
Mother: Ah Y/N. To what do I owe the pleasure?
Y/N: Erm. Well. It's 2 things actually.
Mother: Do go on.
Y/N: One. Kousei died. Two. I'm moving schools. Can I look for an apartment near my new school?
Mother: Wait. Go back to point one. When did this happen? Honey I'm so sorry.
Y/N: Nope. Nope. You do not get to "honey" me when you've been gone for a year. He passed away three weeks ago. That's it. I'm not saying anymore. So can I look for an apartment or not?
Mother: Yes. Ok. That's fine. I'll transfer some money for you and hire a moving company as well. Let me know when you'd like the moving company.
Y/N: I'll text you.


Ok maybe calling my mother was a bad idea. Anyway. I left the school grounds and ran down to the nearest village. I found a local estate agent and walked inside. Knowing my mother, the money is there already.

"Hello. How can I help you?" A lady said.

"I'm looking for an apartment nearby." I reply.

"Ok. There is one I can think of. Let me show you." The lady said.

Le time skip:
"This one. Feel free to go in and have a look around." The lady says.

I go inside and have a look and it's quite a nice apartment. I decided then and there that this would be the one.

"Yup I'll have this one." I say.

"Ok. Let's sort out all the paperwork then." The lady says.

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