Chapter 14

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I'm Mr. Loverman. And I miss my lover, man. I'm Mr. Loverman. Oh, and I miss my lover.

Kaori's POV:
I feel so bad for her. She must be so exhausted. I headed to the breakfast area and looked for Yukie and Karasuno's Captain. I found both and asked to talk to them in private.

"Hello. Are you Karasuno's team captain?" I asked the male.

"Yes." He replies.

"Hi. I'm Kaori. This is Yukie. We are both managers for Fukurodani. Basically, Y/N overworked herself by staying up all night so now she's sleeping because she has a fever. On top of that, she dislocated her shoulder yesterday. From what I heard that she was doing last night, it's probably best she rested today." I reply.

"Oh... Ok. Thank you for letting me know." Their captain replies.

"Oh and if you need a manager, I will happily stand in today!" I beam.

"Thank you Kaori. I'd appreciate it. Oh and I'm Daichi." Their captain says.

I leave Yukie and follow Daichi to Karasuno. Once we got to where they were, Daichi introduced me.

"Guys. This is Kaori. She's going to be filling in for Y/N today." Daichi says.

Everyone started getting ready by warming up and I took a notebook from the bench so I could make notes. While they were warming up, I noticed one of the players go up to Daichi, the captain. I eagerly watched the scenario unfold.

Kageyama's POV:
"Erm Daichi. Do you know where Y/N is? Last time I saw her was earlier this morning." I ask.

"Y/N? She's resting. Kaori is taking over today. She stayed up all night by the sounds of it." Daichi replies.

As I went to ask more, the Nekoma captain came over.

"Hey Daichi. Huh? Kaori? What are you doing here?" The Nekoma captain says.

"Oh. I'm filling in for Y/N today." Kaori beams.

"Wait. Did she stay up all night?" The captain asks Kaori.

"Yeah..." Kaori sighs.

Daichi's POV:
I knew it. He's in love. And I bet she loves him as well. But they don't even know if the other likes them back. I'll get Hinata involved.

Kageyama's POV:
That's odd. Why did the Nekoma captain come over? I thought to myself. Then I mentally facepalmed after remembering the story Bokuto told last night. And that she went to school with him.

We continued stretching before we had out first game. And it was against Nekoma. We played the full match and lost. So we had to do diving laps around the court. Which was not fun.

After a couple more games, it was lunch time. We all went for lunch and I noticed Y/N sat at a table by herself. I went over and tapped her shoulder to get her attention. She jumped slightly and had a slight pained look on her face.

"Oh hey Kageyama." She says.

Your POV:
Has he figured out that I injured myself? Well, that my sister injured me?

"You alright?" Kageyama asks.

"Yeah." I pause and notice Kuroo scold me from afar. "No." I continue.

"What happened?" Kageyama asks.

"Well. I had a competition with Bokuto last night. We were trying to see who could stay up the longest. And I lost track of time and didn't even realise that I'd stayed up all night. Then went on a run with you." I pause, looking over to Kuroo before continuing. "Oh and I got in an argument with my sister and she dislocated my shoulder." I add.

"Are you ok?" Kageyama asks.

"Yeah I'm alright. Think I overworked it yesterday. But I'll be able to manage the team now. Hopefully do some drills with a couple of you later if you want." I say.

"Sounds cool." Kageyama replies. "Just don't overdo it." Kageyama adds.

"Everyone keeps saying that." I say.

"Y/N! Hey, how are you feeling?" Kaori hugs me from behind.

"I'm alright now. Thanks so much for filling in Kaori." I say, smiling a closed-eye smile.

Meanwhile, with Daichi:
"Ok guys. I think Kageyama is in love." Daichi says.

"Huh?" Noya says.

"Come to think of it. He has been spending a lot of time with Y/N. Oh..." Shoyo says.

"Yup. Operation get Kageyama to confess to Y/N is a go." Tanaka says.

"Ok now how do we get Kageyama to confess?" Shoyo says.

"Oh. I heard she knows the Nekoma captain and setter. As well as the Fukurodani setter and ace." Shoyo adds.

"Ok. So let's ask Kuroo the best plan then." Daichi says.

"Ask me what?" Kuroo says.

"Ah Kuroo. Didn't see you there. So basically we think our setter has a crush on Y/N and vice versa." Daichi says.

"So you wanna know the best way to get them to confess to each other?" Kuroo says.

"Yeah." Shoyo beams.

"Ok. Tonight, play like truth or dare or something. Get everyone to confess who their ideal girl is or something. Their "type" shall we say." Kuroo says before walking off.

"Truth or dare huh?" Daichi says aloud.

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