Chapter 10

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Who cares if one more light goes out? In a sky of a million stars. It flickers, flickers. Who cares when someone's time runs out? If a moment is all we are. We're quicker, quicker. Who cares if one more light goes out? Well I do.

Your POV:
In all honesty, I was kind of hoping any of the many culprits that knew what happened on "that day" wouldn't be at this joint-training camp but no. Majority of them had to be there. Four of the five (not including me) that know about this embarrassing story are gonna be at this training camp. And two of them are massive loudmouths. Oh this couldn't have gone worse.

We continued to roam the Tokyo streets as the sun continued setting behind us until eventually coming across the little ramen restaurant I was telling Kageyama about.

"Here we are!" I say enthusiastically.

"It's very... dainty." Kageyama replies.

I lead him inside and we're taken to a table. We both sit down and start browsing the menu before both deciding on what we'd like to order. We both still sat in silence for a while until the waiter came and we both ordered our meals. We waited for the waiter to return and we still just sat there in silence. I wanted to start a conversation, but I didn't even know what to say.

"So erm how come you never really said the real reason for moving to Miyagi before?" Kageyama asks, breaking the silence.

"I dunno. I guess... I just didn't want people to feel sorry for me because of what I went through. I had to deal with that alone. My parents are working abroad so they aren't around much. I just didn't want to be pitied. Ya know?" I reply, looking up to the setting sun.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought it up." Kageyama says.

"No. No. It's fine. I trust you. I mean, we've known each other almost a month. I consider you to be such a great friend, Kageyama." I say, smiling a closed-eye smile towards him.

"Crap. Am I... catching feelings for him?" I thought to myself.

Kageyama's POV:
Am I... catching feelings for her?

Your POV:
After we finished our food, we split the bill and left the restaurant. The sun had completely set by now. It was pitch black. I bet his mum won't be happy that he's home late. What to do. What to do.

"Hey err Kageyama?" I break the silence.

"Yeah?" Kageyama replies.

"Do you err perhaps wanna stay around mine tonight?" I say.

"You sure?" Kageyama says, hiding a blush.

"Yeah. I live alone remember?" I pause. "Oh crap you're not allergic to dogs are you?" I sweat drop.

"No. I'm not." Kageyama replies.

"Ah ok. Well I have a puppy called Mochi. She's a cute little Pomeranian." I say.

"Cool." Kageyama says.

Le time skip brought to you by Mooncake:
(A/N: In case you aren't sure on who Mooncake is, he's a character in Final Space)

Le time skip brought to you by Mooncake:(A/N: In case you aren't sure on who Mooncake is, he's a character in Final Space)

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