Chapter 2

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I can hear those echoes in the wind at night. Calling me back in time. Back to you. In a place far away. Where the water meets the sky. The thought of it makes me smile. You are my tomorrow.

Your POV:
It was the next day. I woke up around midday. Still not wanting to go to school. I checked my phone and noticed a few notifications that I hadn't answered. I picked up my phone, my eyes still adjusting to the brightness in my room. I unlock my phone and open the messages to see both Kenma and Kuroo had messaged me.

3 unread messages:
Hello. Hope you are alright. And feeling better.

Are you coming to school today? Kuroo is asking where you are. And I'm worried too.


I replied to Kenma before going to look at the other messages I had.

Sorry Kenma but I still don't feel like going out. As much as I hate being alone rn, I don't want all the sympathy and sympathetic looks from everyone.

I noticed Kuroo had messaged me as well.

4 unread messages:
Hey Y/N. Hope you're feeling better.

You coming to school? I wanna talk to you about something.

No? That's alright. I'll come by later with cake.

And I've enrolled you in Karasuno. Hope that's alright. We can go have a look tomorrow if you want.

I replied to Kuroo before getting out of bed and feeding Mochi.

Hey Kuroo. Erm. I guess we can have a look. But this will be the first time I've gone out in weeks.

I closed the app and headed to the kitchen to refill Mochi's bowls. I filled the food bowl with food and saw the water needed refilling so did that as well. After that, Mochi came into the kitchen and started eating. I left her to eat and headed back to my room. I couldn't decided whether to play my guitar or go back to sleep. So I went back to sleep. Trying to do whatever I could to avoid the loneliness I felt.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep almost straight away. I slept for a couple hours I think before my phone started ringing on my bedside locker. I blinked a couple times before realising it was Kuroo that was calling me, and I looked a mess. I quickly got dressed into something decent and fixed my hair, so I didn't look like I had just woken up. Him and Kenma probably would figure out that I've just woken up. Plus I haven't eaten in a few days. I haven't really had the appetite for anything. Knowing them, they'll work it out and treat me to a feast or something.

My phone rang again, and I shouted down the stairs to say I'm coming. I ran down the stairs and to the front door before unlocking it. I opened it to see Kuroo and Kenma on my doorstep. Kuroo holding a massive cake. I stared at the cake for a couple seconds before flicking my eyes toward Kuroo and then to Kenma. Before realising they're waiting on my doorstep. I quickly stepped aside, letting them step inside but they didn't. Then I remembered Kuroo wanted me to go see Karasuno. As much as I'd like to change schools and forget it all, I don't think I could leave my friends behind.

"Err guys. I don't think I'm quite so ready to go out yet. Let alone leave Nekoma. I don't wanna leave you two behind." I say, pulling Kuroo and Kenma into a three-way hug.

"Y/N..." Kenma said as he engaged in the hug.

After a couple minutes of me debating whether or not I wanted to leave my house, I decided I'd go with them to Karasuno and at least show them the courtesy of having a look. Since Kuroo did put in the effort to get me into the school in the first place. I quickly went back indoors to put on a pair of shoes and grab anything that I'd need for our trip to Karasuno. Once I stepped outside my house, locking the door, I was so nervous. I hadn't been outside in weeks and today was my first time. It's like a new-born baby walking for the first time.

Kenma could tell I was on edge but didn't say anything and I'm glad he didn't. Knowing Kuroo he'd... let's just say he'd overreact. I know those two care about me. A lot. Especially after what happened but I can't keep depending on people my whole life. I have to put my best foot forward and live a little. Though that's hard when I've been cooped up inside for 3 weeks. Anyway, I put those thoughts aside and continued the walk to the train station with Kuroo and Kenma. Also wondering why they weren't at volleyball practice today, but I guess that's due to me.

We kept on walking till we reached the train station. Once we got there, we all tapped in and headed down to wait for a train. It was in 5 minutes. Kuroo looked and saw the schedule so decided to go and find a vending machine really quick. We both let him go and just sat there. In utter silence. To be honest, I hated the silence, but I had no idea what to talk about. I'm not used to being lonely. It's all new to me. So is losing a loved one. But very few know about that.

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