Chapter 6

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'Cause here on earth it feels like everything good is missing since you left. And here on earth everything's different. There's an emptiness.

Your POV:
It was the next morning. I knew the delivery guys wouldn't be coming until later on today so I thought it would be a good idea to visit my new school. And make today my first day. Though, I didn't really want to. I knew Kuroo probably already thought this through. Though he might not have. I hope he didn't. I'd be annoyed if he thought I actually wouldn't go to school today. As much as I don't want to. I'm going to. But I don't have uniform. Or so I thought. When I went into the living room, there was a bag on the counter that Kuroo must have left last night. I opened it and found the Karasuno uniform. Great. He thought this through.

I quickly put on the uniform, tidied myself up then fed Mochi. After, I grabbed an apple and then headed to Karasuno. Which was a short walk from here. I opened my front door, then locked it again, making my way to Karasuno. I walked all the way and eventually got there, before walking into the main reception. I walked in, told them my name and then they gave me a timetable. Damn. Being a first year in a new school is damn hard. Oh well. I somehow managed to find me class and sit down before the teacher had even got there. Then the teacher walked in and straight away noticed me.

"So it seems we have a new student in our class. Please. Introduce yourself." The teacher says.

I sigh then stand up and introduce myself.

"Hello. I'm L/N Y/N. Err I just joined this school today and I used to be home schooled." I say. There were a couple murmurs, but the teacher quietened the class.

He handed out a worksheet and asked us all the get started on it. I looked around the classroom to see any familiar faces and surely enough, I see two. Both from the volleyball club. And then I notice the basketball team captain. Great. He's also a first year. I quickly finished the worksheet and noticed the person next to me seemed to be struggling. And getting most of the answers wrong. I tried to nudge him to get his attention and it worked.

"Hey. Saw you were struggling. Need help?" I enquire.

"Yeah actually." The guy says.

He has such vibrant orange hair.

"Oh. What's your name by the way?" I ask.

"Hinata Shoyo." The boy says.

"Ok Hinata. Question 2,4,6 and 7 are wrong. Lemme help." I say.

I helped Hinata with his work and he thanked me for it. Then the lesson came to an end and the next one rolled around. This one was even slower than the first. Soon it was lunch and I had no one to hang out with. Until Hinata asked me to hang out with him and his friend. I agreed and followed Hinata to wherever they decided they were gonna eat lunch. I looked at Hinata and his friend and I guess I made some assumptions about them. I guessed Hinata was a wing spiker. Or blocker. Always hitting the balls that the setter (his friend) sent him.

"So. What's your name?" I ask Hinata's friend.

"Kageyama Tobio." He replies.

"Oh so you're the famous setter who was given a specific nickname that I won't say cos I don't know the story behind." I say.

"Yeah... thank you for not saying it. I don't like the name." He replies.

"I see..." I say.

"So. Y/N. Mind if I ask a question?" Hinata says.

"Go on..." I say.

"Are you in love with anyone?" Hinata asks.

"No. I'm not." I reply quickly. Trying to hide the hurt and pain in my voice.

Kageyama's POV:
I may have only just met this girl. But I could tell she's hiding something. Especially in her voice. But what? I don't want to ask her. I just met her.

Your POV:
"If you don't mind. I need to go somewhere quickly. Excuse me." I say.

That was the only way I could think of to get myself out of that situation. It was definitely an uncomfortable situation. I'll admit. I decided to just go sit under a tree or something for the remainder of the lunch break. It was all peaceful until someone showed up. And he just had to be the captain of the basketball team.

"Look. I know you weren't honest with me last time we spoke. So how did you know Nekoma's basketball captain?" The guy persisted.

"I told you already. I don't know what you mean." I reply.

"Quit lying. I know. You used to date him. So what happened?" The captain asked, venom in his tone of voice.

"Nothing happened ok. So leave me alone." I reply. Getting fed up with this guy.

"Well something happened. Why else would you be here. I heard the captain died trying to save someone." The captain said, half-heartedly.

"How dare you speak of Kousei that way. He didn't deserve what happened ok. Now leave me alone." I say, trying not to burst into tears.

"See. I knew you weren't being honest with me. And no. I won't leave you alone. Besides, I have dirt on you so why would I?" The captain teased.

"Because I asked you to." Someone said.

Sick of losing soulmates - Kageyama x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now