XVII. Reflections

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A/N: An old friend comes to visit.  Also, our favorite family, through a 3rd person POV.  

Takes place at about the same time that havoc is being rained upon the most ill-fated wedding in the history of the Four Seas.

Disclaimer: Photo not mine.


When Fengjiu saw who her next "chaperone" was, she laughed so loud that she snorted tea through her nose.

Yan Chiwu dropped the cloth bag he was carrying and phased from the garden's arched entrance to where she sat, lounged on a chaise placed under a blooming Fuling tree. He dropped onto his knees before her and tapped her back. "Xiaojiu! What happened? Are you alright? I just got here, don't die now!"

Fengjiu got herself under control and waved away his concern. "I'm fine, I'm fine," she muttered, grabbing a handkerchief from her sleeves to muffle her coughs lest Donghua hears and overreacts. Lately, her overprotective husband had the bad habit of appearing out of nowhere at the smallest indication of her slightest discomfort. "I was just surprised to see you."

"Oh." Yan waited until her quiet coughs subsided, before he pulled back and took the seat opposite hers. Then he scowled and ground out, "What's so funny, anyway? I travelled all the way from the southern realms just to visit you, and you have the gall to laugh at me?"

"Hey, don't be offended. As I said, I did not expect you. Did Donghua call you here?" It had just been several hours after her family plus Zheyan departed for Qingqiu, following nearly a week of guesting in Taichen Palace. Donghua was busy tying loose ends on the West Sea incident, while Gungun had cloistered himself in the library, seeking solace in his books. Fengjiu was in fact taking the opportunity to enjoy the ensuing peace and quiet when Yan arrived.

Her dear demon friend grabbed the teapot on the low table between them, served himself a cup, and blew on the steaming liquid to cool it off before taking a gulp. He smacked his lips in appreciation and explained, "I heard about what happened at the West Sea. I was worried, so I came here to check how you're doing." His dark eyes swept up and down her figure with clinical assessment. "They said you and the baby almost died, because one of Ice Face's admirers plotted with one of his former generals and set his pet beast after you. Are they dead yet? Do you need me to avenge for you?"

Really, how widespread and exaggerated have the rumors become, that even Yan, who ran the most extensive spy ring in all the realms, have been fed false information? "There is no plot against me, Xiaoyan. It's true that Gungun and I were hurt by a xiangliu, but it was due to a domestic dispute that we got caught in between." She gave a reassuring smile and offered him a plate of assorted sliced fruits. "Everybody's got their just desserts, so no need to exact revenge on my behalf. I appreciate your offer, though."

Yan did not looked convinced, but he nodded anyway. "If you say so. But remember, if you need someone's head cut off, just tell me and I, your grandfather, will gladly do it for you." He nitpicked through the healthy food choices before them and pinched his nose. "The hell is this? Is this what you've been eating nowadays? No wonder you're so thin!"

Fengjiu laughed. Somehow, she was beginning to get an idea why Donghua deemed it fit to lure Xiaoyan over to Taichen today; her husband must be afraid that she'd be bored now that the Bais had gone home, and thus sent someone to entertain her. But really, was Donghua that confident of their compromise, that he did not think anything of putting two known troublemakers together for even a day?

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