XXXI. Loose Ends (Part 1)

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A/N: She-who-must-not-be-named.

So I know I promised a peek into the future in the last chapter, but this one-shot (and another) got in the way, so I'm putting it out here first.

Apologies, also, for the long break between posts, and thank you so much for your kind, kind words. I am happy that you are continuing to enjoy this fanfic.

Disclaimer: Artwork not mine, ctto.


Two milennias or so ago, had someone told Migu Xianguan that Qingqiu will one day play regular host to Donghua Dijun and his household, he would have roared with laughter like a drunk madman, and for good reason. After all, what is the likelihood that the ancient hero of yore, he who had occupied the Three Heavens of Purity for hundreds of thousands of years, will take a wife or beget a child and find any reason at all to visit Qingqiu with them in tow?

But life works in mysterious ways, and Migu can only shake his head at the feeling of deja vu as he watched the silver-haired deity lounging on the shores of Lake Wansheng, looking very much at home as he steeped his tea. His Majesty's eyes were trained on the young, blue-robed boy on the middle of lake, who was gingerly jumping his way through a maze of bamboo stilts that emerged from the water.

"Find your balance as soon as you step on a stilt," Dijun called out, voice as placid as the still waters, eyes calm as he watched his son totter on one foot over a wobbly piece of wood.

From this distance, Migu saw His Highness Gungun swallow back his anxiety, a determined glint in his eyes as he bit his lip and jumped. The young prince's small, lithe body leapt through the air, his small feet landing near the edge of a stake and finding its grip, somehow. Gungun wobbled for a moment before getting his balance, and coupled with a slight adjustment of widespread arms, found his center and stood firm.

Dijun, whom Migu noticed had moved forward ever so slightly, relaxed and leaned back on the trunk of the tree he had been sitting under. The retired emperor then proceeded to pour himself tea, his nonchalant demeanor belying the fact that he kept close tabs on the leaping boy at the middle of the lake.

"Good morning, Migu." Footsteps made its way from within the bamboo house, to where Migu stood just outside the courtyard. With a yawn, the new arrival followed his gaze and remarked in an affectionate tone, "oh, they started early today."

Migu swiveled around, bowed, and greeted, "Your Highness, good morning." He then leaned forward to coo at the tiny, silver-gold baby fox who was perpetually cradled against Fengjiu's chest nowadays. "Hello there, little highness."

The baby fox yipped, so Fengjiu obliged and handed her over to Migu's waiting arms and celebrated her newfound freedom by stretching her arms high over her head. "Ahh," she sighed, as the bones on her back cracked, "that felt good. Please tell me you have breakfast ready, Migu. I'd cook, but nursing that baby the whole night sucked my energy dry. I need replenishment, before I can even think of doing something productive."

Migu made faces at the baby even as he replied, "I actually came to ask if breakfast should be served after Dijun and the little prince are done with training, or should we just save some food for them later?"

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