XXXIV. Retired

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A/N: Aaaaand I'm back. :) How are you all?

As promised, a bit of new material inspired by the very sweet and amazing literary masterpiece known as Back to Chaos in a Dream* (a.k.a. Pillow Book Outtake) from the very talented Miss Tang Qi Gong Zi.

Please note that the previous chapters of Aftermath were written based mostly on PB's Lower and Upper Volume (Hamster's translation) as well as ELOD, so there are inconsistencies as far as canon is depicted in Back to Chaos.

From this point onwards, though, efforts will be made to conform with the version of events in the Outtake, as much as it could within the Aftermath universe.

To start with, please enjoy this small drabble about our silver-haired emperor's "retirement".

Also, first chapter of that AU I was talking about last time to be posted shortly after. Feel free to head over there if you guys enjoy that kind of thing.

Last (and most important), thank you for your kind reviews and votes, and for your patient enjoyment of this humble work.


"You got it good."

Feng Jiu lifted her eyes from the piles of memorials on the small table before her, to see her aunt gazing outside in the distance, a thoughtful look in her clever eyes. She followed the direction of that gaze, and saw Donghua sitting under his favorite tree per his usual, pretending to sleep as their six-month old daughter tumbled yet again in his lap in her fifth attempt to scale the mountain that was her father.

Several yards away from the father-and-daughter tandem was Gungun, shooting arrows on a magically moving target using the recurve bow that she'd seen Donghua carve these past few days or so. Ah Li stood alongside, his own bow in hand, his hits a bit more quick and precise, having more practice than his young nephew. Based on the laughter that issued every now and then from the two boys, it was apparent that some contest of sorts was going on between the two.

"I say we both do, Aunt," she replied, pursing her lips toward Ah Li's direction, then to Bai Qian's still flat stomach, where the soon-to-be-youngest member of the fox clan incubated. "Uncle must be thrilled."

"Of course he is. But that's not what I meant." With a slight frown, Bai Qian pushed away the plate of peeled kumquats and gestured for Nai Nai to take it away. "Ugh. Too sour."

Amused, Feng Jiu laughed and offered the older woman a bowl of pears instead. "Your cravings are very weird, Aunt. You're lucky that Uncle is a very good cook, or else you'd be hard pressed to please that picky pregnancy palate of yours."

"As if your pregnancy quirks were any better," Bai Qian replied with an eyeroll. "And don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining about Yehua - all I'm saying is that he's up to his eyeballs with work most of the time, I don't have the conscience to bother him about my whims."

"So, you're complaining about the Crown Prince's workload, then?" Feng Jiu asked, shrugging as her aunt grimaced at the pears as well. Picking a pomegranate from the fruit bowl, she handed it over to Bai Qian and was pleased when the latter sniffed it and gave an approving smile. "Here, let me peel it for you."

Bai Qian handed the pomegranate back and watched as her niece made short work of the fruit's crimson skin. "As I said, I'm not complaining. I'm just pointing out how good you have it with a man who has the time and the patience to pamper you and your children." She took a bite of the red fruit and sighed in contentment. "Let others say what they will about your age gap, but I think you're fortunate to have met Dijun when he's already retired."

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