IX. Letting Go (Part 1)

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A/N: Chronologically, belongs to the same timeline as Staking Claims, from before the ascension celebration and immediately after. May be read as a concurrent story of sorts.

As always, all Jiuchongtian festivals and rituals were products of my hyperactive muse. A bit of research regarding beasts of Chinese myth (not very familiar with them though, so please pardon any mistakes).

OCs alert (though I dare say they will only be present for this chapter...maybe?) 

Disclaimer: Pic not mine, credit to the rightful owner.


(a.k.a. how Fengjiu unknowingly and unintentionally blew away the competition)

Her Highness Su Feng, only daughter of the ruling family of a minor kingdom in the Northern Realms, is a very prim and proper goddess. Raised in the ways of the nobility, she is highly educated, appropriately pampered yet disciplined, and very well-versed in etiquette and the Four Arts. She is even adept in fighting, having been taught to use the bow and the sword from a very young age.

It can be said that while Her Highness Su Feng does not excel in any particular field, she is however accomplished in many disciplines, making her a very well-rounded and interesting lady in various ways.

Her looks are nothing to scoff about, either. Her mother being a flower goddess, she was thus blessed with beauty as delicate as a hibiscus, and a personality as sweet and lovely as carnations. Su Feng is, in fact, one of the most beautiful and sought-after princesses in the northern realms, with princes and lords all vying for her hand in marriage once she came of age.

It stood to reason, therefore, that her royal father wanted to make the best match for Su Feng, and looked beyond the borders of his kingdom for a worthy son-in-law.

"An invitation to the Heavenly King's ascension anniversary?"

Su Feng's ears perked up at her mother's words. She kept her eyes demurely downcast, manners never faltering as she daintily cut a piece of meat on her plate, ears fully trained to the conversation at the head of the table.

"Yes," her father replied, excitement barely hidden beneath the calm veneer he is presently projecting. "It's been a while since we've been to Jiuchongtian. Feng'er, you are of age now, you should come with us. The Nine Heavens is a good place to meet other immortals your age."

The prim and proper princess' heart skipped a beat, though her kind and genteel face betrayed no trace of the somersaulting feelings deep inside. "As you wish, Father."

The trip to Jiuchongtian was, of course, a big affair. Her family's entourage was fairly large, though nothing compared to the grander processions of the more prominent kingdoms that they met at nine heaven's gates. From beneath the curtains of their palanquin, Su Feng surveyed the merry sight and wondered how many princesses like her have ascended to Jiuchongtian, with the exact same purpose in mind.

Their family was to stay for several weeks, and were accommodated in one of the many luxurious guest palaces prepared for the occasion. They settled in and was welcomed personally by one of Tianjun's sons, Third Prince Liansong.

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