XIX. Good Brother

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A/N: Our cute, silver-haired, nine-tailed fox makes an appearance.

Still set in the ELOD storyline, although I took the liberty of using the TPB's version of the Nine Heaven's day/night cycle - that is, the sky goes dark and the moon goes up at nighttime, as opposed to the eternal sunlight in the drama. I just find it lovelier and apt for this particular chapter, somehow. I hope you guys don't mind. :)

Disclaimer: Photo above not mine.


"Uncle Guchou, what does it mean to be a good brother?"

The ever proper Xie Guchou, Black Lord of the Underworld, suppressed the very undignified curse that almost flew out of his lips at the shock of hearing that unexpected, albeit familiar, little voice. Taking a breath to pacify his shock, he glanced at the silver-haired young prince who stood behind him, seemingly having appeared out of nowhere.

"Your Highness," he greeted, glancing around the cavernous chamber of stone and swirling water and confirming that yes, this child had come to the Underworld without a chaperone. "How did you get here by yourself? Why isn't Qingti with you?"

"Brother Qingti was sent by my father-lord to General Kanghui's domain for training," Gungun replied, climbing on one of the stools that surrounded Xie Guchou's stone counter and sitting on it like it was his throne. "He won't be back for a year at least, I think."

Xie Guchou gave himself a mental slap. Donghua Dijun has not lost his touch, indeed. In one brilliant move, His Majesty had both punished and rewarded Qingti for his role in the Western Sea incident, and in the process, ensured that Gungun's appointed retainer will be in a much better shape to protect the prince in the future.

If he survives training with Kanghui, that is.

"I see." Resigned to his fate as an impromptu babysitter, he took a moment to send a quick note to Taichen Palace on their prince's whereabouts, and turned to face his little visitor. "What brings you to the Underworld, then?"

"It's as I said, Uncle. I want to learn what it takes to be a brother. You are a brother yourself, are you not?"

Xie Guchou spared a moment to think of the sibling he hardly ever sees, Lady Lord Hua Lou, currently sleeping and awaiting her turn to rule the Underworld, and wondered how to field this question. This child is lucky, indeed, that the Black Lord likes him enough to think this hard. "Yes, I do have a sister. But I don't see her that often to be able to give you a good example of what a good brother should be."

Gungun digested his answer with a thoughtful silence that no immortal child of his age ought to have. "Uncle Yan said that siblings are the bane of one's existence, and that now, more than ever, I must strive to keep my position in our family. What does he mean by that, Uncle?"

What does that idiot know? What is Fengjiu doing, allowing her child to listen to such nonsense? Incensed, Xie Guchou ignored the funny feeling of having been goaded by an exceptionally clever child and said, "Yan Chiwu is not in any way, shape, or form qualified to describe the bonds between siblings. Why not ask someone from your mother's family? The Bais are a big clan, I'm sure your grand uncles and aunts are all good role models."

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