XXXII. Loose Ends (Part 2)

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A.N: Showdown. May also be referred to as "giving an (ex) rival a peek into a life which she will never have." =D

I particularly liked that exchange between FJ and JH in Fanyin Valley, when FJ shoved everything into JH's face without much effort. Too bad they did not include that in the drama.

Just a word of warning, though. This cannot in any way be deemed as a "payback" of sorts for JH (for that, only karmic retribution will do), but merely an imagination of how these women might be standing now against each other, following the events of ELOD (as reimagined in this fanfic).

Disclaimer: Photo not mine, ctto.


"A message from Taichen Palace?"

The servant nodded and presented the gold and white scroll, bearing the Yupu seal. "Yes, Your Highness. It was brought over today by Migu Xianguan of Qingqiu, but you were at Council so he left it to my care."

With a puzzled frown, Lord Ji Heng of the Red Demon Clan reached out a hand and took the scroll. A missive from Taichen, brought by a Qingqiu messenger? "It's a summons, to discuss the matter of the missing child and other demon real matters," she remarked, noting the script in which the short but concise message was written. She did not recognize the handwriting, but it was not Dijun's, that's for certain.

The befuddled expression on the servant's face reflected Ji Heng's own sentiments. "But, isn't Your Highness..."

At Ji Heng's meaningful glance, the servant shut his mouth at once and kept his head down. Everyone and anyone in the demon realm knew very well the standing order that kept the Lord of the Demon Council confined within the Southern realm's borders; no need to rub salt on that old wound.

She returned her attention the scroll. It said that someone from Taichen Palace will be sent a day from now to escort her to Qingqiu, where the meeting will be held. A confounding fact, since everyone knows that Dijun did not meddle in matters concerning the Fox Clan, despite being the Prince Consort of its Eastern Realms. Why would he take action on an issue as small and domestic as a missing child, enough to even grant a reprieve on his absolute order of confinement?

Ji Heng did not want to keep her hopes up, but with a message like this...then she remembered the wrath on Dijun's face when he all but threw her down before the gates of the Demon clan all those years ago, and shuddered.

It will be better to wait and see, and obey the orders she received, no matter how confusing they may be.

"I will prepare a reply, have someone send it to Taichen Palace, through Qingqiu."

The reply was sent and received with dispatch. On the morning of the appointed day, a Taichen Palace courtier arrived in the Red Demon clan's doorstep, someone who had never set foot before in the demon realm.

"Greetings, Your Highness. I am Dai Zhenren from Taichen Palace. Please allow me to escort you to Qingqiu."

This is getting stranger and stranger. Ji Heng kept her poise, smiled, and gestured for Dai Zhenren to lead the way.

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