XXVII. Nightmare

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A/N: A grim beginning, and an unexpected ending.

Disclaimer: Adorable artwork of DH's and his foxes not mine (ctto).


"Missing? What do you mean, missing?"

The mild panic in Dai Zhenren's eyes was not at all reassuring. "I cannot find Dihou, Zhonglin Xianguan. I looked for her at the master's chambers, the pavilion, the study, and the gardens, even the workroom. She is not anywhere in Taichen Palace."

Anxiety, the levels of which he had never experienced since Hyuiming Realm, began to rise from the pit of Zhonglin's stomach. "Search again. I will tell the other retainers to assist as well."

"Understood. Should His Majesty be informed...?"

"If Dijun had not noticed yet, then Dihou is safe, and is somewhere nearby. The first thing we should do is ensure her location as soon as possible."

Fifteen minutes later, as Zhonglin was heading to the kitchen, he came across Lord Liansong, strolling down the corridor in relative leisure. "Zhonglin, just the man I was looking for. Tell me, where can I find Dijun?"

Zhonglin bowed down low and hoped that his nervousness did not show. "His Majesty should be at the forging room right now, Your Highness. He was waiting for you."

"I see. I will go on ahead, then." The Third Prince peered into the steward's eyes and observed, "you look a bit pale, Zhonglin. Is anything the matter?"

"No - nothing at all, Your Highness. We are just having a busy day."

Liansong did not seem convinced, but relented. "Very well, if you say so. By how stressed you look, I thought Fengjiu went missing or something." He turned and walked away. "I'll be off, then."

Zhonglin gulped, and half-ran, half-dragged himself to the kitchens. Dihou wasn't there - nor in the master's chambers, library, study, workroom, or in the indoor hot springs.

Half an hour later, he met up with Dai Zhenren at the servant's hall, along with a handful of servants who had all been part of the discreet search. "Well?"

Everybody shook their heads. Cold realization seeped through Zhonglin's entire being. Then his head snapped up as he remembered something. "His Highness Gungun -- had anyone seen him?"

Eyes widened as the retainers exchanged looks. That nobody had seen the prince after combing through the entire palace could only mean one thing -- he was missing, as well.

"Zhonglin! There you are." Liansong swept into the hall, his usual carefree expression replaced with ire. "Donghua is not at the forging room, nor in any of his usual haunts." His gaze roved over the gathered retainers, and his brows furrowed. "Why are you all gathered here? What's going on?"

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