VII. Staking Claims

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A/N: Takes place after Returning Favors, because, you know, linear writing issues. 

This one-shot, as well as the one about DH's robe and the 200 wedding dresses, were  inspired by outtakes written by the one and only Tang Qi Gong Zi.

Disclaimer: Beautiful artwork above not mine, credit goes to the rightful owner.


Several months after Donghua Dijun finally attended court following two hundred years of absence, proudly wearing a splendid robe handmade by his wife, Jiuchongtian was once again treated to a spectacle that made the rumor mills of the Nine Heavens roll in full swing.

It was the first time that Dijun and his empress, Her Highness Bai Fengjiu, Queen of Qingqiu, appeared together in a Jiuchongtian event. While the Dihou had been regularly making appearances on behalf of her kingdom during the past few years, never before had she represented or escorted her husband. That was why no one expected to see the two of them today, together, in a public occasion as large and as grand as this one.

It was the celebration of Tianjun's ascension to the Heavenly Throne, both a solemn and ostentatious occasion. Everyone who's anyone is present, from the highest ranking immortals of Jiuchongtian to honored guests from other clans all over the Four Seas and Eight Realms.

Everybody peeked from their bowed positions as Dijun and his young wife entered the hall, walking sedately side by side as if they were simply taking a morning walk around 13th Heaven. The fairy maids standing on the sides exchanged glances with each other, wondering if the extra cushion on Dijun's dais will finally be occupied today.

To their absolute consternation, Dihou, after greeting Tianjun, left her husband's side and proceeded to her usual seat at the opposite end of the hall, taking her place beside the other Qingqiu monarch present, her fourth uncle Bai Zhen. Dijun, per his usual, proceeded to the highest seat beside Tianjun's throne and languidly sat down as well.

Third Prince Liansong waved his fan and turned to Dijun with a shrewd smile. "What a grand entrance. You and Fengjiu really enjoy putting people on their toes, don't you?"

Donghua accepted the cup of wine offered by a maid and flicked Liansong an uninterested glance. "I don't see what the fuss is all about."

"Oh, please. You may appear careless, but everything you do is fully calculated." He gestured meaningfully to empty seat beside Donghua. "She still refuses to sit next to you?"

"Xiaobai is being considerate. Or would you rather be the third wheel for the entire night?" Donghua replied shamelessly.

Liansong laughed and turned back to observing the merry throng before them.

On the other side of the hall, immortals were flocking to Fengjiu's table one after the other, exchanging pleasantries and offering short conversations. Her crowd of well wishers were more than the usual, and some of those who came over were new people, formally introducing themselves to the young queen for the first time. She took it all in stride, her polite smile and regal demeanor never wavering.

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