XX. New Normal

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A/N: aka, the sufferings of the Star Lord under Taichen's "new normal". Because, why should Liansong be the only one?

Can also be referred to as "yet another reason Qingti found himself thrown to the clutches of Kanghui for training".

Chronologically, the first part takes place before Liansong's return (when the ward was still up, and FJ was around four months pregnant), while the second part happened after that, but before Gungun's foray into the Underworld for that impromptu consultation with Uncle Guchou. So, around two chapters back? Hehehe. =D

Disclaimer: Photo above not mine (TMOPB's Siming, I know, but his expression here is just...fitting, somehow)


Star Lord Siming, overseer of mortal fates, has always been a prudent and virtuous man. He understood private boundaries very well and sought to observe them at all times. Thus, he is well-regarded as one of Jiuchongtian's most proper, respectable gentlemen.

This respectable gentleman was now sweating buckets, and fighting with all his might to maintain personal boundaries with the erstwhile little highness, now Her Majesty Fengjiu Dihou.

"Is it true that Mo Shao descended to the mortal realm to assist in some trial?" Her Majesty was saying, sticking close to Siming's side and leaning over to look at him eye-to-eye. "Tell me, whose unfortunate romance is he stepping between into, now?"

Siming moved two paces away, with as much grace as he could manage so as not to offend the pregnant fox queen. "I apologize for my inability to give you a proper answer, Your Majesty, but I am under Dijun's strict orders to keep all details of the trials in absolute secrecy."

She thought on his words awhile and at length smiled. "Oh, is it because I am asking in my personal capacity as your friend? Very well. If I send Dai Zhenren on official business under the Dihou's office, will you be able to tell me then?"

Oh dear lord of the netherworld, do come and take me now. Where is Dijun, anyway? Why summon him here on urgent business, then make him wait long enough for the Empress to find and play with? "I don't think that will be a good idea, Your Majesty."

"Hmph. What am I tolerating you calling me Dihou for, if even using that title won't make you help me?" Fengjiu moved away with a pout and crossed her arms over her chest. "What are you so afraid of, anyway? I just want some information. It's not as if I can go to the mortal realm and take a look, considering I am on confinement here."

Siming flicked a glance at the glaze ring on her finger and shook his head. Confined, indeed. "Your Highness, if it's information that you want, won't it be more prudent to ask Dijun instead?" He hoped using her preferred address would make her a bit more conducive to his suggestion.

"I could, but where's the fun in that? Plus, I doubt if Dijun cares about the fine details of the mortal trial. You, on the other hand," a mischievous glint that Siming knew so well shone from her eyes, "You are the master of dramatic twists and turns, a true romantic at heart. Won't you deign to give poor, bored me some entertainment and let me have a peek into your books?"

Siming was tempted to tell her that he would never be skilled enough to come up with the creative cruelties depicted in the books he now held, much less assign them as anyone's fate. Then he recalled the glint in Dijun's eyes when he cautioned Siming against saying unnecessary things, and the memory was powerful enough to keep his lips shut.

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