V. Retainer (Part 1)

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A/N: Takes place immediately after Chapters 1 and 2 (Aftermath and Side Story), because I cannot for the life of me properly write a linear story.

Inspired by a scene in TPB, when DJ was watching FJ make the sword case for her Bingcang ceremony and thought, this is how she would look in the future when reviewing courtier's memorials.

Disclaimer: Artwork not mine.  Credit goes to the talented artist.


It was late afternoon of the next day by the time Fengjiu managed to meet up with Cheng'yu. She had originally promised to drop by the latter's mansion, but due to the unfortunate aftermath of her, uhm, wedding night, Fengjui had wine and snacks set up in the pavilion of Taichen Palace's gardens instead and sent one of the servants with an invitation to her dear friend.

"You're finally up! Are you feeling better?"  Jiuchongtian's Jade Pool fairy greeted as she swept into the pavilion in a flurry of fan and robes, eyes skimming over Fengjiu's seated form with motherly concern.

Fengjiu reached out and pulled Cheng'yu over for a hug, before ushering her to sit on the cushion opposite her.  "I was just a bit worn out and needed to sleep for a bit longer to regain my strength. Sorry for making you come all the way here."

"I would have come over anyway, just to check on you. Liansong told me that Dijun gave you some medicinal soup yesterday to restore your vitality."   Cheng'yu accepted the cup of peach blossom wine Fengjiu poured for her and took an appreciative sip, pretending not to notice the blush that suffused Fengjiu's face.  "The 200-day wedding banquet definitely did a number on you.  No matter how young you are, you must never overdo things!"

"I wasn't the one overdoing it," Fengjiu muttered under her breath, fanning her blushing cheeks even as she cursed Donghua in her head.  "Never mind that. How are you these days? We haven't been able to talk much during the banquet."

"Oh, you know me. Watching over the Lotus Pond, enduring Liansong's dastardly ways, gossiping with Siming, the usual."  Cheng'yu fanned herself and daintily took a piece of cake from several plates spread out before them.  "You, on the other hand -- I met Zhonglin on the way here, leading a parade of palace maids with trays of scrolls in tow. He said they came in today from Qingqiu."

Fengjiu puffed her cheeks and shrugged.  "Must be my accumulated school work and courtier's memorials.  Father did mention that he will be sending them over after the banquet."

"I thought you said that High Deity Bai Yi would be handling most court matters in your name, at least while you're still attending school?"

"That was the plan, yes."  Fengjiu took a sip from her own wine cup, sighing contentedly as the familiar sweetness hit her tongue.  "But I figured that since I'm bound to do this anyway, why not start early and do it well?  I've been slacking off for a long time, it's about time I take things seriously," she murmured, more to herself than Cheng'yu.

Her friend reached over to pat a consoling hand on her shoulder.  "I very much prefer to have you here on Jiuchongtian, but would it not be easier for you, as monarch, to make Qingqiu your permanent residence?  But of course, if Dijun says otherwise..."

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