-- zero

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chapter zeroprologue

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chapter zero

Bella Potter was different from the rest of her family. When she was 11 she never got her letter, while her twin brother, Albus, did. She had locked herself in her room for the rest of the day, while Albus kept trying to get into their shared bedroom. She took after her aunt Hermione. She always had her nose in a book and was constantly annoying her older brother James for the stuff he was doing wrong or saying wrong.

One morning, when everyone was sitting around the dinner table, eating their pancakes, a women in an all black uniform showed up with a gold badge. That day the lady took Bella on a private jet from Britain to the US. Bella was taken to the Heroes Headquarters, were she learned about her gift. Being the daughter of two famous wizards, had its perks. She was able to perform spells without a wand, a dim blue light would come out of her finger tips and the spell would follow.

When Bella showed up to the Headquarters, she was met with some other kids. Although they were all kind they were also annoying, which she would never tell anyone. Bella only connected with a boy her age, who normally sat in the back corner by himself. The two connected on many different things. The boy, Wildcard and Bella were a strong duo in the group. Both having strong powers, played a huge part in it.

Bella slowly grew apart from her siblings. When she would come home over the summer, they would all have stories and memories, from school which they would share over the break. Bella never shared anything, because the only interesting thing that happens at the headquarters is when a boy named, Noodles breaks something when Facemaker makes him mad.

One day changed everything when a girl decided to show up and take charge.

And that's how it all started...

authors note
Hi everyone! First of all thank you for clicking on my story! This story is rough so if their is anything that is spelled wrong or the grammar is wrong feel free to tell me! I'm currently editing the book so if the theme changes halfway through the book it's because I haven't done those chapters!

𝐌𝐘 𝐎𝐖𝐍 𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐎   ━━   wildcardWhere stories live. Discover now