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chapter fivecrashing the poor garden

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chapter five
crashing the poor garden

GUARDS WERE AHEAD, ready to catch the kids, "Brace yourselves." Missy slightly yells. Everyone begins to hold onto something, Bella grabbed onto a pole then looked to Guppy.

"You too Gups." Bella tells the girl, who looks at her and grabs onto the pole not breaking eye contact.

"Bella," Wildcard says earing the girls attention, "Can you do one of those spells?" He asks.

"I'd have to use my wand, which I left at home." She reply's.

"Ok, A Capella, make us fly." Wildcard tells her. A Capella stands up and begins to sing making the train begin to fly. Her eyes turn yellow and the kids cheer. The guards below begin to run after the train, while Missy looks back at A Capella who is crossing her arms and making a steering motion. Seeing this Bella wraps her arms around Guppy keeping her safe.

"She can't steer." Missy exclaims looking back forward, "We're gonna crash into that building!" She points out.

"We need to change directions." Wheels says while he looks at Noodles.

"I'm on it." Noodle tells them going to the window. He makes his hand a fist and punches it through the window, causing glass to fly out.

"You know you could have opened the window? There's a handle to open it." Bella rolls her eyes. Noodles uses his other hand to hold onto a pole and jumps out the open window, landing on the ground. He wraps his other arm around a larger pole outside and turns the train around. His hand begins to slip.

"Help him out." Missy tells no one in particular. Facemaker, Fast forward, Rewind, and Wildcard all grab onto Noodles hand making sure it dosent go anywhere. Noodles swings the bus around causing his hand to slip under ther eight hands. He catches himself on the window. MIssy catches his hand, then Rewind. Bella keeps holding Guppy while stroking her hair to keep her calm, she looks out to see Noodles looking up, she sends him a thumbs up which he returns with a smile. Noodles unravles from the pole outside sending the train flying. Facemaker looks out the back window and makes a face to the guards.

"Well that was a disater." Wildcard says as Bella lets go of Guppy.

"That was awsome!" Rewind exclaims.

"I'm so exausted." Noodles adds. The train begins to lower causing the kids to shriek.


"I'm running"

"Out of,"

"Breath." Wildcard looks over to A Capella

"We get it." Bella finishes.

"What do we do?" Facemaker asks.

"Don't look at me." Noodles says showing his tired arms, "I'm done." He flips them over.

"We need to find some place to hide." Wheels looks at his device.

"The heroics are all locked in the alien ship." Fastforward explains.

"Not all of them." Missy tells them getting confused looks.

"You know this how?" Wildcard speaks up. Missy gets up going over to Wheels and signaling A Capella over.

"Do you think you can get us over to here?" She points at the screen earning a nod from A Capella. The train begins to side to side.

"Whats over there thats so important?" Wildcard asks Missy.

"Look you see-" Missy gets cut of, by everyone falling.

"Ok this is bad, this is really, really bad." Wheels exclaims.

"Five to one says we die a fiery death." Facemaker turns to Noodles.

"Your on!"

"You can do it A Capella!" Missy shouts, with everyone following. Finally A Capella stops singing and clears her throat.

"Does anyone have a lozenge?" She asks pointing to her throat. Guppy smacks her head in annoyance.

"Hang on!" Missy yells, the train begins to fall with the kids in it screaming in fear. The train finally lands in someones yard crashing their flower bed. A women comes out screaming.

"My begonias!" She exclaims. "Get out of my flower bed, you little termites."

"Hi, Abuilita." Missy calls out.

"Ah, Missy! Come and say hello to your grandma." She calls out.

"No way!" Noodles exclaims, "Missy your grandmother is Anita Moreno?" He asks.

"The trainer of the heroics?" Rewind asks.

"Shes a legend." Facemaker adds on.

"You have to be dead to be a legend." Bella exclaims.

"Like mr. no nose?" Wildcard asks earning a eyeroll from her.

"I'm alive and well." Ms. Moreno informs, "Which is more than I can say for my gazebo, hmm?" She looks over to A Capella.

"Sorry." She apologizes.

"We're in trouble, Grandma and we need a place to hide." Missy explains to her.

"To hide? You're gonna need to do a lot more than that." She tells her. "That thing is moving into position." Ms. Moreno points to a large alien ship.

"She's right, we only have two hours left." Wheels explains. "Won't be long until the takeover begins."

"Everybody come inside." She leads them in while eyeing the ship.

authors note
go sleep if it's 3am or I'll steal your grass blocks like an endermen!

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