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chapter sevenspooky tunnels

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chapter seven
spooky tunnels

WHILE THE CHILDREN countinued training, Ms. Moreno went to have a chat with Missy. Ms. Moreno walks through a garden path to find Missy sitting on a blue bench with her head down. "Now, now." Ms. Moreno says earning the wavey haired girls attention. "You didn't expect to get it on you first try, did you?" She quistioned.

"I'm never gonna get it. Not with a million tries." Missy says as Ms. Morena came closer to her. "You know why? Because I'm useless." She says causing her grandma to have a shocked face.

"Who told you that?" Ms. Moreno quistioned.

"Everyone told me." Missy looks down crossing her arms. "In those exact works." She looks back up. Ms. Moreno takes her hand and sits down.

"I have trained all of the greatest superheroes, Miracle Guy, Sharkboy, Tech-No, Lavagirl." She listes, "Do you know why the greatest superhero of them all was?" She asks before pausing, "It was your mother."

"But my mother was normal, like me" Missy furrows her eyebrows.

"Exactly." Ms. Moreno confirms, "And without your mother, your father never would have become someone who leads by example. And you will too. I'm sure of it." She concludes wrapping her arms around Missy conforting her. "Mi amor, I'm sure of it." She hugs Missy before they get inturepted.

"Ms. Moreno!" Wheels calls out earning the twos attention.

"What?" Ms. Moreno turns around unwrapping her arms from Missy.

"Better come quick." He wheels off with Missy and Ms. Moreno right behind him.

Above the kids could hear the helecopter blades spinning looking for the twelve kids. Missy, Ms. Moreno, and Wheels come out from the garden path, "They sure found you fast." Ms. Moreno says.

"They wanna take us back to headquarters." Facemaker tells them.

"Well too bad." Missy earns everyones attention earning a pround hum from her Grandma. Ms. Moreno presses a button on her cane opening a passageway through the grass.

"Go through this tunnel. I'll hold them off." She pushes everyone in, "Go, go, go, go, go!" Bellas the last besides Missy to make it down, she slides down, Wildcard and A Capella help her up. Finally Missy comes down with Facemaker and A Capella helping her.

"Wow it's spooky!" Bella looks at the dark long tunnel that had spider webs along the top were the wall and ceiling connects.

"Guys? Come on!" Missy says causing Guppy to look down the tunnel.

"It sure is dark in here." Guppy says causing Missy to turn to Ojo.

"Ojo, can I borrow you flashlight for a minute?" She asks recieving Ojo's tablet, turning the light on they begin to make their way down with only a little bit of light. "We need more light." Missy says. Bella whispers, 'Lumos' under her breath causing light to come out of her fingertips. Missy turns back to the blonde girl, "Thanks." She says.

"No problem." Bella smiles. The kids countinue making there way down the path.

"What could we do differently from our parents?" Wheels asks.

"Everything." Missy says. "Like we lure the aliens out of the cities so they don't destroy more buildings."

"She's right. Our parents are always having huge brawls in the middle of the most populated cities." Rewinds points out.

"Don't we need superhero costumes?" Guppy tilts her head.

"All superhero's have costumes." Fast forward pauses, "Pads, fake muscles, tons of useless buckles." She lists off.

"Underwear on the outside." A Capella says in disgust.

"Masks you can barley see out of." Rewind adds.

"That's why they were able to pick out our parents so easily." Bella says.

"Because they were easy to spot. We have to blend in. Be," Missy pauses seeing something in Ojo's drawing, "Stealth."

"How?" Wildcard asks.

"Just trust me. I have a plan." Missy smiles. They come to the end of the tunnel and cut through the vines. Missy turns off Ojo's flashlight, while Bella whispers 'Nox' making the light disappear.

"Where? What plan?" Wildcard asks Missy.

"I'll show you." She responds leading him a couple feet from the group.

"The plan is we're gonna sneak on a bus?" He asks. Missy continues to whisper into his ear. "Oh" He swipes through the drawings, "Holy-" Wildcard looks to Guppy, "Doo doo" He says causing her to role her eyes. "I mean yes, very interesting. Uh-huh. Ok makes sense. Yep. Okay. Wow. That's really smart." He grabs the iPad. "Okay everyone, Missy and I figured out a way for us to do this. Check it out." Wildcard turns the iPad around showing everyone. "Ojo drew us a clue. A supply ship." He says causing Ojo to earn a couple pat on the backs.

"So what does that mean?" A Capella asks.

"It means, there's probably one nearby, that we'll sneak on board and pilot up to the mother ship." Wildcard explains.

"That's actually a good idea, no matter who thought of it." Wheels says.

"Thank you." Bella roles her eyes at Wildcard.

"Come one, it's time we show these aliens what's what." Everyone begins to run off with Slowmo behind.

"Hurry up Slowmo." Wildcard calls out.

authors note
AND I NEVER MINDED BEING ON MY OWN THERES SOMETHING BROKEN AND I WANT IT TO GO HOME! Sorry go listen to wish that you were here by Florence and the machine

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