Week Three Story

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PROMPT: It's time to even the score.
TITLE: Payback.. Kind of!
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Slam! I flinch as the front door is shut abruptly by my mother. I listen closely for the familiar buzz of the car's engine and after a few moments of humming coming from the garage, our silver van is backing out of the driveway. I grin, knowing I am finally home alone, and rush to the kitchen to get started on my plan.

I rummage through the refrigerator, looking for anything to carry out my scheme. As my eyes scan the shelves, I finally spot it. Fruit-y Juice. My sister's favorite.

"This will surely work!" I exclaim, my word's echoing through the silent kitchen. I wrap my fingers around the large plastic container, the coldness making my hands shiver. I set it on the counter with a thump, and study the dark red liquid. A smirk sneaks onto my face as as I slowly close the fridge door.

I reach into the pocket of my tattered blue jeans and pull out a small, black spider toy that will surely leave my sister scared to death.

I continue gathering the required materials, placing them next to the juice and spider on the counter. After a few minutes, I take a step back to take agenda.

Cup? Check. Spider? Got it. Juice? Yes. Banana? Definitely!

"Perfect," I mumble, my fingers gripping the cap on the juice, which is screwed on tightly. I grunt, turning it, to no avail. Getting annoyed, I tug one last time, and it's off. I let out a sigh of relief.

Pouring a cup of the juice, I begin to worry about how this prank will play out. As the cup fills, I set the juice back down, swapping it with the banana. I continue to think as I peel the yellow fruit, taking big bites now and then.

Suddenly, I hear a big knock on the door, and I am filled with terror. It's my sister. I take the last few bites of the banana, and, not thinking, throw it on the floor. I drop the spider into the cup, and don't even bother to watch it sink to the bottom. Throwing open the fridge, I place the juice back on the shelf right as I hear another knock.

"Coming!" I yell, even though she can't hear me. I rush towards the door, opening it to reveal my sister.

"Took long enough, Dylan," she says sarcastically, rolling her eyes. I step out of the way as she pushes past me, walking towards the kitchen.

"I poured you a glass of juice. You must be parched after choir practice," I say, holding the prank cup up to her. She raises an eyebrow and takes it, immediately bringing it to her lips and gulping it down. I watch in anticipation as the cup empties, slowly. She places it back down on the counter and let's out a horrifyingly loud scream. She found the spider! Bursting out into laughter, I begin to turn to run away, and at the last second, realize that I forgot to pick up the banana peel, and I am then greeted with a face full of the kitchen tile. I feel my cheeks burn in embarrassment as my sister's screams morph into mocking laughter.

"Looks like we're even now, she says in between laughs. "But it doesn't I won't be getting revenge."

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Yeah... This isn't my favorite. It's like, towards the bottom of my list of "favorite stories I wrote in Power of the Pen." :p (That gives me an idea! I could make a list of my favorite to least stories and post it on here! Hmm..) I like the ending sentence but the whole beginning is kind of just like a tutorial, and it's quite boring because it isn't descriptive. It could be improved! The question of the chapter is: What is the funniest prank you have ever played on someone?


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