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Hey everyone! My name is Olivia and I am a seventh grader currently competing in Power of the Pen. I am the first ranked writer on my team and I made this "story" so that I could share MY Power of the Pen stories, prompts, ranks, judge's comments, and my personal thoughts on the particular story.

Sometimes, I may throw in a little update. These updates will usually occur around the time of one of my competitions (telling you guys how I did, my thoughts before the competition, tips, etc) or when something exciting happens during practice. These updates will always be related to Power of the Pen so don't fret. :p

I LOVE getting comments; I think we all do! So, if you have ANY constructive criticism, tips, praise, questions, or just comments, please do go ahead and comment them! I will always reply. Also, if you have anything you'd like to ask or say to me about Power of the Pen, feel free! (EXAMPLE: My regionals is soon and I'm so nervous! Where is your's at? etc)

The author's notes will be at the very end of each story (one story per "chapter") and they will look bold like this. I will also be putting information about that particular story at the very beginning in bold.

Here are my competition dates/locations!

DISTRICT: January 31, South Range Middle School

REGIONALS: February 28, Malone University

STATE: May 21-22, College of Wooster

That's about it -- lets get on with the stories!


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