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Hello once again everyone. It is I.

I know 3/4 of you are probably sitting behind your computer or mobile device's screen and face palming yourself in annoyance because all I do now is update random stuff.. Where's the stories, right?

I get it.. Sigh.

Sorry... :p

I PROMISE I will update at least twice this week with stories. If I don't, you have my permission to hunt me down and throw me into a pit of lava for my wrongdoings.

I am super excited to update with my next story though because it is only my FAVORITE STORY EVER!! Yeah, honestly, I actually am happy with it. The judges liked it too, apparently, because it's the second story being published in the Book of Winners.. :D

BE PREPARED... *insert dramatic music*

By the way, still no constructive criticism from you all. EYES NARROW. I just posted that update like, yesterday, but whatever. XD


I have been doing poetry for about as long as I have been doing stories (which is a preetttyyy long time) and I have never shown ANYONE any of my poems. I'm actually really self conscious about them because I DONT EVEN KNOW IF THEY'RE GOOD AND I'M DYING TO KNOW BUT I AM TOO SCARED TO PUT THEM OUT THERE. *deep breath*

I'm debating posting one or two just for feedback but I'm still totally horrified at the thought. Even though I know you guys won't judge me too much. Maybe a little inside your heads but you are all really nice so not in the comments. XD

I tend to ask myself what the heck my poems even mean half the time so that's probably why I'm so nervous about them. .-. Yeah.. I guess I'm not very good at the deep meaning thing. I just try to put my thoughts down but it doesn't work as well as I would like. It never really flows and sounds poetic and so I just sit there, annoyed with my inability to make a poem. Not even haikus sound good from me. HAIKUS.

Not that I write haikus... Because that's actually pretty hard to do..


Should I post some poems? I know you are all going to say yes because you wanna see if I'm any good but it's still like.. Yeah. Nevermind. XD

P.S. Sorry if I sounded like a jerk up there. It was unintentional. Also, if I strayed off topic, that was unintentional as well. It just happens. :p

P.P.S Also I'm procrastinating. Still haven't done my homework.


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