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So, as you may know, I made it to the Power Round at the state competition a little bit ago and won 7th place.

Here are my accomplishments for Power of the Pen this year:

DISTRICTS: 1st place
2 best of rounds
honorable mention

REGIONALS: 1st place
2 best of the bests

STATE: 7th place
best of the best

Okay.. So... I don't know about you, but I see there's DEFINITELY an addition to that list.

I won a best of the best award at state!!

Pretty much what happened was my coach told me this morning as soon as I walked into school that she had big news and that she needed to talk to me. So we did that.

She told me that I had won a best of the best for my story "White Roses" in the Power Round of the state competition. I was like, WOAH. That's hard to do. And she confirmed that... She said that I had a less that 1% chance of doing that. (Not sure how she did that math but I believe her.. She's my coach!) Honestly, I was dumbfounded. I couldn't believe I actually did that!

I also found out that after the three original writing rounds, I stood at 44th place. My story I wrote at the Power Round boosted me up to 7th!! I skipped over 37 places with ONE STORY! I think that's really awesome.

So, as this year comes to a close, I am proud to say I will be getting three of my stories published and will be receiving $25 for each story, which adds up to $75 total JUST for doing what I love -- writing. (Making a profit guys.. Making a profit! xD)

I thank all of you for your continuous and relentless support and I congratulate EVERYONE on ALL their achievements this year in Power of the Pen. Whether you won a best of round, first, fiftieth, or didn't make it to state at all, I'm proud of you for pursuing your dream. I'm so proud. And I can't tell you how amazing it feels to just KNOW some of you. I feel like I'm part of something big, and we writers are. Big. We can change the world. You guys are doing it right now by just spreading kindness and WRITING. I will definitely be buying your books one day in the store, and I know you can do it. You're a writer, and you can do anything.

Whatever you achieved this year you should be proud of. You're one of a kind. You're creative. You're advanced. You're a writer, a future author! Not many people can say that about themselves. See you next year everyone!!!


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