District Competition Story: ROUND 1

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LOCATION: District competition
PROMPT: Write about what happens when you ignore some good advice
TITLE: The Dance
AWARDS: Best Of Round, Best of Best
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"The Valentine's Day dance will take place February 21," Mrs. Hawkins states blandly, writing the date on the white board behind her with a blinding red marker. I stare warily at the words printed in elegant cursive, ideas swimming through my brain as if my head had suddenly transformed into a fish bowl.

As soon as the shrill shriek of the bell sounds through the classroom, everyone shoots up, eager to gossip about the dance, which just so happened to be next week. That is definitely not enough time to buy a new suit, snag a ride, and..

Get a date.

I am shocked from my worrying thoughts as James places his rough, calloused hand on my shoulder. Even through the thick material of my sports jersey, I can still feel the scratchiness of his palm. That's gross.

"Hey man, any ladies in mind for the dance?" he asks, a comical grin plastered onto his face. I roll my eyes as I answer.

"Uh.. Maybe," I say with a sigh. I definitely do have a girl in mind - Macy Miller. I've never seen anyone prettier, smarter, or funnier than that gem. The only problem is that I'm afraid I don't know how to ask a girl to a dance.

James elbows me right below my ribcage and I shove him a little, glaring. "Buzz off, man," I laugh, knowing he is about to ask the dreaded question.

"Who is this lucky girl?" he coos, and I feel my cheeks go warm immediately. To distract myself, I hurriedly enter my combination into my locker, swinging it open on the second try as James laughs loudly behind me. "Macy Miller," I spit out quickly to avoid any unnecessary attention.

"Nice pick, Devin," he finally compliments after a long and nerve-wracking period of silence. I let out a breath of relief, gathering my lunch in my arms. I nod my head once in agreement. James follows like a lost puppy behind me as we walk into the lunchroom, which is swallowed by crowds of students as soon as we arrive. I let out a small groan in annoyance but James has other ideas.

"Let's just eat here," he suggests, plopping down onto the nasty, dust-and-dirt covered floor. I wrinkle my nose in disgust but lower myself down next to him.

Biting into my salami sandwich, my heart flutters around like a bird learning to fly as a red-haired girl scurries late into the cafeteria. I clasp my hand around James' arm, shaking it wildly. This is my chance to ask her before anyone else. The excitement grows in my chest, only to be followed by an immense pang of nervousness.

"There she is, James! And look, she's sitting on the floor, just like us!" I ramble on, my hands shaking as I push myself up.

"Dude, hold up. You can't just barge into her personal space. Take some of my advice first. It's known to be really helpful!" he persuades, drawing out the world "really." So, I place myself on the floor again just as he continues.

"You have to be calm, and collected-" that is all I hear before I dash towards Macy Miller, who was starting to exit the cafeteria!

"Macy, wait!" I yell, and she stops walking to look behind her. I run towards her, probably looking like a complete idiot in the process. My eyes glue to her beautiful emerald ones, with the slightest hint of hazel hidden behind the bright green color. My feet move by themselves as my brain and eyes take in her gorgeous red locks, flowing down her face and then halting at her shoulders. The freckles that litter her cheeks just make me-

"Devin!" a feminine voice yelps in my ear. I shake my head repeatedly to snap out of my phase and see I am laying on top of Macy.

"I'm so, so sorry!" I start, scurrying up. She gets up as well, brushing herself off. Just.. Ask her! I tell myself.

"Wanna go to the dance? With me?" I ask.

"I.. Uh.. No thanks," she hurriedly answers, gathering her books, leaving me standing like a complete idiot in the hallway with her papers scattered around me.

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Hey guys! This was my story for the very first round of writing at the district competition. I liked it, but I think it was my worst at the competition, even though it was my second place story (quality points wise!) and it won a best of round award! Honestly, I was surprised. I can't wait for you guys to read this next story though -- it is my favorite!! The question of the chapter is: What was your round one prompt for districts? Comment!


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