Week Three Story

83 3 4

PROMPT: Write about a time you came to the rescue.

TITLE: A Nest Full of Trouble

RANK: 3.5



I wish it would've been a cat stuck in the tree.

Instead, it was my glass ballerina figurine.

"Rosy!" I call out to the petite dancer resting in the leaves above my head. A beady eyed hawk stares back at me, using its sharp beak to place sticks and bark over the figurine, building my toy into its nest. "Hey! Let her go!"

This was Swan Lake gone wrong.

I stomp my foot in annoyance, my mind swirling with brilliant ideas of how to get my most prized possession down without any missing pieces. Then, the perfect idea comes to me.

"Alakazam!" I shout at the bird, aiming my gleaming wand at it. My cloak billows behind me as the raging winds threaten to knock me over. An icy blue light flies from my wand as a bolt of lighting strikes the ground around me.

The bird stares at me with a tilted head, then returns to its construction.

I huff and drop the stick to the ground, walking off and letting the blanket from my bed flutter to the ground behind me. It is time for plan B.

"Steady... Steady..." I whisper from behind a bush of blueberries. The green, earthy hues of trees surrounds me as I focus my aim on the bird. I slowly pull back the trigger, the loud fire of the gunshot throwing me backwards into the mud.

"Did I get 'em?!" I cry, scrambling to get a look. My Nerf suction cup bullet sticks to the base of the tree before falling to the ground below it. The hawk doesn't even bat an eye. Bad shot.

"I see... You're going to be difficult. I'll play that game..." I growl under my breath, preparing for my third and final plan.

I creep to the tree, my feet moving slowly as I approach. Not a sound is made as I press my back against the rough bark, my heart pounding in my chest. This could go terribly wrong, but I was willing to take that risk.

I cautiously place my foot on a sturdy branch, hoisting myself up to a higher position. I could here the hawk just a few feet above me, rustling around in his nest.

This was it.

"BOO!" I screech, slamming my fists into the leaves above me. A gust of air almost knocks me from my feet as the hawk flutters away, its feet slamming into the side of the nest, knocking my ballerina free. Then, in a split second, she is twirling through the air like an out of control airplane.

"Rosy!" I yelp, taking the giant leap off the tree. My legs buckle as I land and I trip and tumble over, catching my beautiful ballerina in my hands.

"I'm so glad you're safe," I murmur, holding her to my chest tightly. I know she is thankful for me, her heroine.

"Hey!" a young voice cries out from a few houses down. The sound of large, flapping wings is heard as the little boy's cries echo through the neighborhood. "Help! The bird stole my teddy bear!"

"It's gonna be a long day," I sigh, standing up as I sprint down the sidewalk, my Rosy by my side.


Haha, so funny story with this one... When I got this story back ranked and commented on and all that, I read the comments at the end of the story. One of them said, "Why was the ballerina so prescious?" I couldn't help but laugh because of the misspelling because I am the ultimate grammar police. I decided to show my friends because the same judge had wrote stupid comments all over my paper and I thought she was being a hypocrite for correcting my grammar and all that when she can't spell 'precious.' (Gosh, now that I'm saying this it sounds incredibly rude...) Then, our coach said, "Yeah, by the way. My comments are in black ink and Hannah's comments are in purple." I looked down at my paper, saw the purple writing, and then looked up to see Hannah staring directly at me. Hannah is a student judge/helper who used to be in Power of the Pen and is one of the judges. I was like.. oops. Life lesson: don't talk crap about people. XD Question of the story is: What is an embarrassing Power of the Pen moment you've had? Comment!

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