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Hey guys, it's Olivia!

This is just an update to remind you all that my regional competition is TOMORROW, FEBRUARY 28!

I am so super nervous. I am always so paranoid about this type of stuff! I have been practicing everyday this week because I was afraid if I didn't write beforehand, I would forget "how to." It's stupid, but I still feel the need to do that. Sigh.

One of my biggest fears about any of these competitions is the prompts. What if there is a word I don't know, so I have NO idea what to write because I don't understand the prompt? What if I can't find my way to my writing room? What if my pens run out of ink? What if I don't do as well as I hoped I would at this competition?

My list of fears is never ending, and I just don't know how to calm them. I was given a generous boost of confidence after the district competition, but regionals is against MORE kids who have the same goal as me -- to win that competition.

Earlier this week, I had a dream. I don't remember the entire thing, but I was at a dance competition (I don't even dance!) and I had my Power of the Pen first place trophy from districts with me -- for some strange reason. I danced and forgot my dance on stage, but kept improvising until the song stopped.

In the end of the dream, I won third place and got a trophy that looked exactly like the Power of the Pen third place trophy.

Now, that might be just some random dream to you, but I have a really weird/creepy history of my dreams somehow predicting small future events. For example, one night I dreamt of a kid going down a slide at my school's playground -- and the next day, I went to school (on the playground) and that SAME kid went down the slide, it seemed. Whenever this happens, there's this weird feeling in my gut that screams "I've seen that before." It's really weird.

So, did my dream predict my placement at the regional competition? I guess we'll all just have to wait till tomorrow afternoon to find out. Stay tuned!

Anyways, if anyone is going to be attending the regional tournament at MALONE UNIVERSITY on FEBRUARY 28 (it's a Saturday,) then please contact me. Maybe we could meet! I'm all about meeting fellow writers involved in the program, so I can root for you if you win! :D

If you are going there... My name is Olivia and I go to South Range Middle School. Our t-shirts are grey and have a burgundy fist on the back that says "Behold, the power of my pen!" And on the front there is a burgundy "SR."

If you see that team, feel free to come up and meet me/us! My team is very sociable and they love talking to new people. They also like singing very nerdy songs... Beware.

Bye for now -- I'm going to attempt to calm myself down -- I'm super hyped and SUPER SCARED! XD


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