Week Five Story

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PROMPT: The temptation -- write about your struggle to resist one.
TITLE: Mouth
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"Your sarcasm needs to come to an end!" my mom scolds, giving me an angry glare. I just about roll my eyes, but decide against it. That would give her another reason to yell at me.

I've always had a problem with my mouth. It seems it has a mind of its own most of the time, spitting out unnecessary comments even in the worst of times. And, the most annoying part is, I never really mean it... Most of the time.

So when I was walking to the playground on that cold, gloomy day immediately after running into the most annoying kid in seventh grade, my mouth was only being held back by my internal pleas. After a while of keeping quiet, it started pleading back.

"Please, oh please! Just one sentence?" I hesitate a bit. No. "There is no way I am letting you say anything to anyone on this playground. Got it?" I mutter, irritated.

And so things cleared up a bit. I was nearing the playground. It had been around for the longest time, was polluted with rust and stains, and everything creaked like basement stairs, which was very unsettling.

"Finally," I sigh, stepping onto the cracked concrete with relief. I glance around for my friends, and spot a few of them jumping rope near the back. I start towards them, the chilly air pressing against my face. I can see my breaths as puffs of smoke in front of me, and I stuff my hands into my coat pockets to warm them. I sniff the air, and catch a whiff of mint.

"Hi!" says a peppy voice to my left. I whip around, slightly startled, and roll my eyes immediately.


Of course, that's why it smelled like mint, I think. It's her favorite perfume scent.

"What do you want?" my mouth spats, and I take a step back. Not now, mouth! You should know by now -- Sydney will tattle about this to mom, and then we'll both be locked in my room forever! "Just came to keep you company!" she giggles.

But, of course, my mouth ignores me. I try to bite my tongue to stop the words from flowing from my chapped lips, but my teeth slip off, like my tongue suddenly turned to slippery ice. My hands fly to my mouth in another attempt, but they don't muffle the sound enough.

Then it happens.

"Who would even want your company? Does it look like you're entertaining me right now?"

Thanks, mouth. You've done it again. I watch as Sydney's lips curl into a frown. "What?" she says, a hint of bitterness laced in her words.

"Uh.. What I meant to say... was.. um... I'm so glad to see you sis, want to climb on the monkey bars with me?" I say, throwing in a cheesy grin at the end. That ought to do the trick. Sydney's the most gullible person I know.

Her expression changes almost as quick as the weather. She grabs my wrist with a cheerful look and together we run to the monkey bars. And as we do, I decide to throw in a comment to my good old mouth, too.

Not today mouth. Nice try, but.. not today.

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I do like this one, because it's based off of me -- my mouth is unstoppable! :p I like how the main character, me, is having an internal war with the mouth the entire time. This has to be ONE of my favorites, but there is a couple that top this one. Can't wait for you guys to see them! The question of the chapter is: Where is your regionals at?


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