unpopular opinions

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Just know that I'm not in a great mood right now, and I have a witty and sarcastic sense of humor. I'll trust y'all not to go on twitter and send an army to @ my ass. At the end of the day, I joke around a lot, so don't take the things I say too seriously.

1. Shadow the hedgehog is kinda lame. I'm not talking about the game, I mean the character. I know he's supposed to be the exact opposite of Sonic, he's meant to be dark and edgy and mysterious, but I can't take any of that stuff seriously. I know a lot of people adore shadow, god knows how many people ship him with questionable characters, but uh yeah. I find him lame. If you like shadow then that's fine, iryo.

2. The Nintendo switch is overpriced.

3. Alpha and Omega stories on wattpad are overrated. So are good girl/bad guy love stories. And K-pop band fanfiction. I've read great books from some undiscovered writers, and all of it gets covered with this uwu I know this guy bullies me, torments me, threatened to murder me and burned my house down, but I LOVE HIM crap, it's not fair.

4. SonAmy is a nono to me. I used to ship it when I was little and I first got into the series, but then I looked at the ages. Sonic's 15 and Amy's 12. A 12 year old is a preteen I think. Yeah, anyway, I think it's a no no. If they're aged up, then maybe it's okay. But that's... yeah, no.

5. Wtf is Jimmy so hated in the ape escape fandom. Like damn he's the abuse victim of almost every fanfiction.

Alright so I wrote one where he gets hit by a car, but it wasn't in spite. It was gonna have a happy ending before I gave up on working on it. Still Jimmy doesn't deserve that.


He just radiates asshole energy.

6. Sunny funny is the worst love interest I've ever known. Pappy pap does a bunch of stuff for her, and then she calls him a baby just because he doesn't want her damn noodles. If they're friends, she must've been over to his house before and seen the shit ton of noodles laying around his house.

7. Sonic adventure 1 and 2 are complete trash compared to Sonic adventure 7. Although, despite it's godly status, 7 still can't compete with the gorgeous masterpiece that is Sonic Jam for the Game.Com.

8. Mickey mouse is low-key a manipulative, aggressive friend. He asks you if you want to visit his clubhouse, and that bitch doesn't take no for an answer. Whether you like it or not, you're coming along on the adventure.

9. Stepping on Legos don't hurt. Now if you freaking stomp on them, you'd officially have a brick lodged in your foot, but other than that, you should be fine.

10. Covid is never going to go away, and it's probably gonna take us all out by the end of 2021.

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