Patapon stuff ( pt I don't even know anymore)

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I'm almost finished playing patapon 2 on my Chromebook and holy shit hatapon being the lifeline has fucked me up so many times in these later missions.

Like I don't mind it and I think it's a pretty cool concept, but sometimes Hata, and all the pons really, do stuff that's kinda dumb. And yeah I guess that part of that is my fault, not because my rhythm sucks or anything but because I don't really think of strategies for bosses and just tend to do whatever tf comes to mind...

But also no because sometimes, when you play the retreat song, they run as far as humanly possible, then other times they just slide two freaking inches away from the boss. It could be because they don't perform their tasks as well if you're off beat but I never really have a second to think about it long.

And yeah mentioning hatapon earlier I know he's probably a kid and stuff but like

If there's a bush and it's on fire maybe don't stand in it

Half of the time I honestly just forget he's back there until it's too late.

I was killing the Invisible Dodonga once, and the battle wasn't going so great. I lost my hero because he couldn't run away fast enough, and then everyone else dropped dead from a few attacks except from one Tatepon. He was one of the strong bois, thankfully, so he was doing a pretty good job of stabbing stuff while Hata stood in the back.

Hata died a minute later, as he normally does, but as soon as it says I failed the mission the dragon dies, and I lost all of the hot loot I got from beating it's ass.

The Hero system is cool but also kinda messed up. It counts retreating and jumping as attacks and sometimes that's not good. some bosses have instakill moves that you need to dodge, and if Hero's swinging his hammer everywhere and the boss decides to pick him up and murder him with lightening then WhOoPs guess he's dead for the rest of the mission.

Meden hasn't done anything bad except for getting kidnapped again.

I've seen Gong like twice in this game and I sorta forgot he was in it after a while.

Uh what else

There's a slight chance that the Patapons may not know what water is, that's cute

Meden's assistant gets verbally abused

Meden hates deserts

The last boss made me hate dogs, still haven't beaten it yet as of the time I'm writing

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