Meden gets kidnapped and Gong asserts dominance (2)

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The soldier stood proudly in the middle of the desert, arms spread out wide as he scanned a square eye from left to right, up and down, searching for any signs that a certain circle tribe were on their way.

Meden's stuck in a cage, cowering at the intimidating power that Gong was radiating, silently praying to be saved from this neverending torment. Gong's thrilled at the sight - maybe, for the first time ever, he'd walk away with a victory, and she'd be the one to gall in a mushy heap, evaporating in seconds.

"It's getting awfully hot out, sir," Makaton complained with his normal aNgSt as his feet casually burned on the scorching sand. "Perhaps those stupid eyeballs melted on the way here? Such a shame that we never got to kill them ourselves, but maybe we should leave our positions for a while in search of water?"

"Haha fuck no, water is for babies."

Gong was burning out there, his legs falling numb from being sedentary all day and his arms burning as a silent beg for movement. The longer time went by, there were still no Patapons to be found... that didn't mean they could leave yet...

Patapons were coming, Gong believed this with all his tiny, shriveled heart. As clueless as those guys were, there's a chance that the tribe got lost on the journey to the desert, delaying their arrival. Yes, that was it...


Drums, other than the sounds of breathing and idle conversations, have been the only sounds the Zigaton tribe heard all day, sparking attention from even the resting.

"Did you hear that, sir?"

"Indeed, I did..."

Becoming stock still, the two listened for any more drums, any footsteps or screaming, something that would finally give them a cue to get into attack positions.

Instantly, the drums were heard again, exact same pattern as the first string of beats, only this time they were accompanied by child-like mesmerizing chanting.

Needless to say, Gong understood what this meant as soon as the chanting began - Meden knew as well, she had to, sprouting up from her spot with glee as she squinted over huge dusts of sand. She's looking for her army, no shit, and so was he.

"They're c-coming, sir," Makaton held his little baby spear in a defensive position - he looked a bit on edge, seeing the love of his life die thanks to the Patapons knocking down a tower with the consistency of Jenga bricks must've done a number on the poor square's mind. If Gong genuinely gave a shit, he'd consider letting him sit out. "P-perhaps we should attack n-n-now?

"Not yet, they're only walking," Having to hear them almost everyday, Gong remembered these chants more than he remembered to get his troops some food. "Wait until they get closer, then...only then, will we all show them our true power."


A lightning arrow thundered violently into the sand near Makaton's foot, making him yelp and back away. "Y'know, s-sir, I think they're attacking right now."

"We can't show fear. There's no reason to be scared, not with my newfound power," Gong held his spot as more arrows appeared, even sparrows and music notes, a fucking rock was thrown at some point. Other generals thought he was insane, and sheilds were held up to keep him safe. He chuckled inwardly - he didn't need it. The dominance was a shield of itself.


"Keep it moving, forwards ho!"

Keeping his voice loud enough for the others to hear became harder the closer they neared the desert. Yumipons arched their bows and arrows first, Yaripons following suit after a few seconds. One of the Yari's got too excited on the way there and threw a boulder. He died from using strength that he never had and fell to a black heap, no wondering about that, leaving four left. How fantastic.

A PonChaka song was played - the Almighty must've seen the enemies up ahead just like the arrow throwers. Hatapon gradually moved to the back as he waved his flag, figuring it was better to be safe than sorry. Nobody has ever seen such power, nevermind heard of it... and if Gong was demonstrating it, being in the front could quite possibly be a death sentence.

"There they are, Megapons up front!" A Tatepon shouted, raising a shield. "Yumipons, charge your energy, send those arrows as far as they'll go!"

What was dominance? It was a awful question for Hatapon to ponder at this moment exactly, he knew that, but... they had no idea what they were going up against. Gong, as always, only... with some kind of forcefield? Indestructible armor?

Megapons blew their trumpets as soon as the Almighty ordered them to attack, and the Yumipons went ape shit with arrows.

"Don't lose the rhythm, shoot 'til they're dead!"

Gong knows they're coming - with the singing becoming increasingly louder and louder the more the children became  excited for bloodshed. Hopes were raised, they were, that Meden would soon be safe and sound once more, and Gong shall face the full wrath of their strong, albeit small troop... although...

It confused Hatapon at first - the Megapons had once charged out front in full power, only now, they were running back, sliding to the ground after tripping over their own legs. He didn't understand it, not at all, until everyone else began to retreat as well.

"The Almighty wants us to retreat!" A Yaripon grabbed his arm and dragged him behind the others.

"R-retreat? But why?"

"We don't know, maybe there's danger up ahead? Who cares, the Almighty wouldn't tell us to run for no reason, would they?"

They ran away once, then again, and again. Hatapon's knees were becoming caked in the thicc sand, sore and achy from the harsh impact with the ground. He's getting tired of this - looking at his other comrades, he could tell they were too. They've dealt with Gong before. They've fought things way worse than him, they fought the gates of hell. Going through that wasn't a challenge as long as the Almighty stayed on beat, so why was this any different?

Running away for the tenth time and tripping on a rock, Hatapon was tired of following the same, cowardly commands. He didn't want to be defiant, he didn't mean to go against the Almighty's saying, but if they were going to keep them away from battle this long and not retire altogether, then he was going to see the danger himself.

"Hata, what're you doing?"

"Are you insane?!"

"He's going against the Almighty's commands!"

Was this going against the pact? He's only read it once, and that was years ago... perhaps disobeying was a sin in the pact, making him anxious. However, his curiosity rose above any regrets he might've had, and he kept on trekking.

"You can't cross the desert without a rain juju! What are you doing?!"

They made a good point, whatever pon yelled out to him in despair... but he wasn't going to stay up there that long. A peek, that's all he wanted, a small, measley peek.

Looking back at his teammates, who looked at him like he was out of his mind, he shouted, "I won't be long! I just want to take a glimpse, I do! I must see if the danger ahead is worthy of running away from!"

"Of course it is! that's why the Almighty-"

"But what if they're underestimating things? Countless demons have succumbed to our battles, and this... dominance is too much for us to handle? You all think so, and the Almighty does too, but I am not as easily convinced!"

"Well fine, get yourself killed," A Pyopyo yelled back, irked at Hatapon's blind stubbornness. "But if you do, we all have to retire!"

He's willing to take that risk. Selfish, indeed, but he just had to know what was up ahead.


Gong t-posing in the middle of a desert is somehow a series I have intentions on finishing

The Book of Random Stuff #2Where stories live. Discover now