Police Brutality the Game one shots

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If jet set radio was released in today's time Twitter would love it sooo much

We almost got hit by a car on the way to school today, and  it was so hot that it gave me the motivation to finally write something for this fandom

Because y'know you can also get hit by cars in JSR. Very nice

I kinda mixed jet set radio with future cannon wise, like Beat still bein the main guy and they still hang around the hideout in the original rather than... outside.

"This one's harder."

Beat watched the blue-haired girl hop on a rail, grind, jump, and cheer before landing a perfect jump through the fence and onto the train tracks.

Impressive, he thought with a slight smirk, catching her daring eyes from afar. Really impressive, but he could do better.

"Ah, that's nice and all!" He called to her, hands cupping his mouth. "But it ain't nothin' I've never seen before! Watch a professional handle this."

To a newbie, the thin rails and long gaps between jumps would be enough to turn  away anyone who even thought about doing it. For him? Easiest thing in the world. Can't exactly miss metal rails with magnetic skates, can you?

This chick, Mew, if he remembered things right, was pretty cool. Couldn't hurt to have another girl in the GG's, he supposed, it would even things back in the garage until someone else might come by to challenge them.

Looking backwards as he skated, he eyed it with a smirk of confidence, winking at Mew through his green-tinted glasses. "One shot, no mistakes!"

Indeed, the red haired Rudie proceeded to grind on the rail and mimic Mew's moves. Not the first time around, nor the second or third for that matter, but God damn it did he feel so awesome when he finally met the girl at the tracks.

And so, Beat recruited yet another member for his crew, and it only took breaking every single bone in his body for him to do so.

Tab laughed at the noticable yet tiny abrasions on his arms and face as a result of crashing into billboards and buildings, along with tears in his jeans from where he constantly flailed in the air and smacked onto the cold concrete.

Gum laughed too, but at least she got him to some doctor that gave him a shitload of casts.

"What the hell were you even doing?" Tab wouldn't let up when the duo returned home, leaving his conversation with their newest member with the biggest grin he could possibly muster.

"Shut it, man."

"Nahh, nah, this is too good. Got hit by a bus?"

"More like a truck," Gum murmured with a snicker.

"I fell off some rails a few times," Beat shrugged, snatching the bag of chips out of his beaning-wearing friend's hands.

"What the fuck that's mine-"

"It's not a big deal, happens to the best of us," It wasn't very easy, eating chips with a broken wrist and two broken fingers. What he intended to be a one chip steal turned into him tilting the entire bag in his mouth, Tab looking as distraught as ever. Eh, serves him right, mocking his... small errors.

"Maybe you'll be more on your game next time," Mew spoke teasingly, a smile to go with it. He returned it - with the hot addition of a slightly chipped tooth - as he crumpled up the empty bag of chips, shooting it towards the trash bin near the back of the hideout.

He missed, but that's only because... because..

"There's a drift in here, blew the damn bag away."

He's genuinely a pizza boy, or so, he used to be. Empty-handed thanks to his hunger on the way there, he skated over to the gang of dancing Rudies, silently sounding off excises that wouldn't get him killed.

Now, that might be a little dramatic of him, but these guys looked tough.

He went up to the first guy he saw, a beanie wearing kid in a light blue jumpsuit, and Yo-Yo could somehow feel the judging stare from his hidden eyes.

"Hey, where's our pizza?"

"W-well, um...n-no, I kinda-"

"Oooh, I see... you're here to join the GG's, eh?"

The GG's... these people are the notorious graffiti sprayers around Shibuya-Cho? These are the people who managed to intimidate Poison Jam and the Noise Tanks?

"Heh...tell you what, man. Find Gum, she's the one you wanna talk to." The guy chuckled, resuming his dancing.

And just like that, practices with Gum aside, he was a part of them. It was the strangest shit he's ever gotten himself into, yeah, but there's no use trying to fall out now after getting this deep.

He learned to like this gang a lot. Maybe he got kidnapped, like once, but the crew got him back home safe and partially injured a day later. Even with his quick attachment to the Rudies, he's always found himself hanging with Beat and Gum the most... sometimes Tab.

Beat's like an older brother, strangely enough, always teasing him and roughing around with everyone. Apparently, he's a runaway, and he looked damn proud of it too.

"Nothin' too dramatic, if that's the kinda story you're lookin' for," he spoke to him one day, lounging on the couch. "They were just the wrong kinda people for me to be around, never understood me. Wanted me to be some dumbass lawyer or somethin', not that it matters much anymore. One night I just decided to get up and go, haven't looked back since."

"Yo, you don't miss 'em?"

"Eh, some days. Holidays an' such, they were cool like that. Then I remember how stuck up they were, they had such bullshit standards."

"This is your new home, then? Or are y'all rentin' somewhere? I bet tagging pays good money, don't know where we'd get that from since the cops are always on our asses 24/7, but somethin's gotta be keeping the lights on, yo."

"Chill, man, what kinda gang do you think we are? The most money we get from tagging is if someone gives us a job. We all... have a little something on the side, yeah? Y'know Tab's lame ass works at a flea market?"

"Better than working at Sonic's!" Said mentioned friend, having overheard from across the room.

"Oh shut it - don't listen to him, man, he's just mad 'cause it pays better than selling actual shit," he called loudly with a smirk, chuckling when Tab flipped him off. "What about you, man?"

"Used to sell pizzas, yo, it was nice. Thought I had to leave for good when I joined y'all, I sorta figured... y'know, you were that type of gang."

"Nah, got us all wrong. That kinda gang is the one who has their life down the shitters, you can always go to Poison Jam for that. See, we might get into some unfriendly playdates with the police, and we're high school drop-outs and all that... we ain't empty in the head, got stupid ass jobs... not that stealin' ass pack of twizzlers, but the rest of us are good.

The boy grinned again in absent thought. "Just fuck collage, the hell wants to go to school for so many years just to go back? Like I was sayin', we're obviously the superior choice of any gangs out on the street, smarts and all. Made a good decision, yeah? Guess we're glad to have you." If he could see behind the older boy's tinted glasses, he bet he could see a wink.

"Guess I'm glad to be here, yo."

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