Meden gets kidnapped and Gong asserts dominance (1)

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All of the Patapons are presumably children btw

"HaTaPoN hElP!"

In a strange turn of events, Meden's assistant came running to the flag bearer this time around instead of going to the priestess, his frantically shrunken pupil grabbing Hatapon's attention.

"What's the matter?"

"I-it's Gong! He's... he's...h-he's..." The assistant shuddered, as if he was failing to repress a traumatic memory.

"He's what?" Hatapon inquired with interest and concern.

"He's... asserting dominance in the desert."

"Jebus," he gasped, refusing to believe the horrific news. The desert was their only path of getting closer to Earthend, but if what his fellow eyeball friend was saying is true...

"I-I know... but it gets worst. He-he somehow managed to kidnap Meden right when we started talking," the assistant glanced around to validate his own statement, then looking back at Hatapon when she was nowhere to be found. "And he's... oh Jebus... assertive dominance over her as well..."

"OH NO, NOT HER TOO!" Hatapon wailed in despair.

"How about we -oh yeah I heard you guys talking all the way from the ceremony, just wanted to place my unwanted opinion, haha - leave her for a little bit, maybe her and Gong can have an emotional one on one, reach Earthend, then come back and get her?" A yaripon jumped in between them, startling the other two for a brief second before his statement sank in.

"How can you even think about something so ridiculously stupid?" The assistant was furious, and understandably so I guess, squinting his eye.

"We mustn't leave Lady Meden behind!" Hatapon agreed. "She wants to see Earthend just as much as we do! She's the one who fills in every role the Great Almighty can't! Do you think this is what the Almighty would want? To let our greed overcome us so severely to the point where we'd leave our own kind in mortal danger just... just for IT? Why, you should be ashamed thinking of such an idea. If the Almighty decides to just up and rip the pact right this very moment, I'd say we deserve it." The flag bearer finished with an emotional tear.

"I... Hata, you could've just said no."

"We'll save Meden! We'll save her, we shall! And if Gong is so persistent in his dominance placing that he'd rather die than give it up, so be it! We shall let nothing block our path from getting to sweet Earthend!" Hatapon shot a finger towards the Yaripon. "YOU! Grab the rest of the troops, tell them that our hard work isn't over just yet, for a dear friend needs our help at once."

Scared to know the next speech he would get if he dared to ask another question, the Yaripon went off to grab his fellow warriors as soon as the injunction was told.

"What can I do?" The assistant asked eagerly, "I want to help her as well!"

"You, my dear friend, can stand bravely and do... absolutely nothing.".

The assistant gasped with excitement, "Really Hatapon? You'd give up your job-"

"Oh no no, I'm not giving up this flag for nobody. You can stay here and do nothing, I meant, and make sure that no one else goes missing, got it?"

"That shouldn't be too much of a problem either, I do that everyday!"


The rest of the troops gathered around minutes later, some confused, some tired, and some looking as if they were at their limit.

"We've heard the news," A Megapon was the first to speak, "And we've all decided that if anyone, the Yumipons should be part of the adventure. We all know how much they love fire."

Hatapon agreed, not being able to find any faults. "Very well, but if we're going against Gong and possibly his army, we need to bring the strongest troops as well."

"We're afraid all the Dekapons are too weak to join us, our battle with the Karmens tired them out."

"Shame....then we'll bring the Robopons!"

"They're all dead, sir, they're at the Mater tree."

"The ones with the magic wands?"

Everyone paused to think.

"Maybe... I think they're up and ready to go, though they're never too fond of rescue missions."

"They're going, whether they're fond of it or not," the assistant piped up, "And that goes for whoever gets picked to go!"

"Well if you're so excited, why don't you go?" A monkey-like Yumipon sassed with a frown (because I still don't really know all the rarepon names by heart but then again who cares) as he crossed his arms.

"Please, we can only have one useless person on our team, and Hata fills that role perfectly," the Megapon now had a hint of urgency to his voice. "We really should get moving now, sir, if Meden is in the amount of trouble that we heard."

"We shall move, we shall!" Hatapon hesitantly agreed - whoever wanted to go would just have to make up their minds hastily, there was no time to waste. Picking up his trusty flag for the twentieth time today, he pointed it southwards. "To the Obelisk!"

I'll do a part two possibly never

But yeah here's some stupid patapon thing I wrote during school

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