PlayStation Classic

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A few years ago, I got a PlayStation classic. I got it knowing good and well that I was going to be hit with disappointment. I watched many reviews, I saw many of my favorite YouTubers cancelled their preorders. Still, I was persistent on buying it. Why?

Because you're basically getting 20 games for 40 dollars.

But I also wanted to play Jumping Flash.

Back then, I thought that the game was cool. But I also thought Intelligent Qube was cool too. I was one dumb ass 12 year old.

Okay Intelligent Qube is pretty cool in terms of puzzle solving. Music too, I guess. But you know, it's nowhere near as superior as Sonic Adventure 7. Fight me.

ANYWAY, those two games were one of the reasons I bought the classic. And besides, I like trying new games, so I figured that the classic would be the cheapest and most efficient way for me to do so.

It wasn't.

When we got home from Best Buy and took a look at the console, the first thing I noticed was that they used the original controllers. It was fine, I didn't have a problem with it, but unfortunately that meant that some classics like Ape Escape and... other games that used analog controllers wouldn't be included. I looked over that though, and turned the box over to look at the games.

Some of them looked really promising; Metal Gear Solid, FFXIV, Grand Theft Auto, Twisted Metal. Y'know, the good stuff. Crash, Spyro, and Pappy Rappy wasn't on there. Neither was Tomb Raider. It's weird, because I swore that somebody found codes for some of those games when looking into the consoles codes or whatever. I ignored that two because I was dumb.

Why am I explaining this like a novel tho

There were some games I was weary about, like Wild Arms, Battle Arena Toshiden (I hoped I spelt that right) and Cool Boarders 2. But yo, I was just focused on diving into Jumping Flash.

So after fishing up a compatible adapter because sony was too lazy to include one, I plugged up the classic and turned it on.

The menu layout was boring.

It had the reminiscence of a demo disk menu to me, only if you were to take away the music and effects. Also, each game oniy has one save states, but then the fucking memory card screen has like 20 of them.

I was expecting it anyway, so I let it slide.

I vroomed vroomed to Jumping Flash with excitement and then was slapped in the face with depression.

It was a European port. And so was Grand Theft Auto. And I think Abe's Odyssey was european too. But then there's other games like Rayman that have the NTSC ports, so I don't know what the hell I was dealing with at that part. Honestly I had no idea about the region thing until I got it.

But eyy I guess that means the classic is multiregional

I'm sorry.

If you don't know what's wrong with PAL games, it's just that they tend to run a bit slower (50 Hertz I think) than NTSC (60 Hertz). Nothing against europe or anything.

But surprisingly, the game ran pretty fast. There were some moments of lag but that was probably because I was going too fast.

And after trying five minutes of every game on there, I didn't play the console for a month. That was probably the biggest mistake of my life, because when I went back to it, it had a meltdown so bad that it's now short-circuited beyond repair.

But it's cool tho, I bought another one 👌👌👌

The controllers kinda wear out too after only a few weeks. I wasn't pulling on the bitch, it just came from normal gameplay. So I guess this means that Sony used some cheap materials for the controllers? I still sorta wished they went with Analog because Ape Escape was kinda fire.

Anyway, that was my 3 years late story about my experience with the PlayStation Classic. It introduced me to new fandoms, but then again, it also mad me sad. I don't hate it, I don't love it... I'm just keeping it for those days when you're laying face down in the bed, slowly suffocating because you're bored af and will take anything as entertainment. Hope you enjoyed!

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