The backstory of pasta

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So she was born in Japan in 1989, and joined a secret Waluigi cult at the age of 11. The cult would go to people's houses, kidnap them, and beat the Waluigi spirit into them.

Pasta (Back then was named Tsumi) had no problems doing the job, since she was pretty innocent at the time and thought that she was doing something nice. All of the other cult members were sad 24/7, and she could never figure out why. Eventually, she forced herself to quit when the cult began to come after her friends and family.

Knowing good and well that she would be betraying the organization and destroy relationships that took a full year to build, she called the police, giving them the coordinates of the warehouse and getting everyone arrested in an awesome way.

Pasta knew she wasn't safe where she was. Gruff members of the organization could find ways to break out, and they would come after her and everyone she loved. Not being able to think of any other way, she ran to her older cousin and begged him to put her in a box and ship her to America. The cousin had questions, but went with it anyway (because why not)

So on a rainy day, he boxed pasta up, and sent her off to America. Of course there were air holes and food and stuff. It took days, many transactions, and tons of moments of regret, but she eventually made it. By absolute magic, she ended up it the back of a FedEx truck. She made a run for it as soon as she heard the doors of the truck open, and set out to begin her new life.

After getting her named changed to such a godly food, she realized that she couldn't live in a crate for the rest of her life. And due to pure coincidence, a flyer for a needed guitar player for a band flew near her crate. (She plays guitar, probably should've mentioned that in the beginning)

Moments later, she arrived on the doorsteps where the auditions were being held. The leader, LeGs, took her in and showed her around. There was also Emo and No-Hands McGee. Auditions happened, they loved her performance, and decided to take her in as a new member. So now, she spent a good majority of her years as part of Floorz. Yes, Floorz.

A friend on Amino asked for lore for an Oc for a commission, and I came up with all of this on the spot. I lost the pictures of Pasta but I'll look for them after I finish smoking pixie stix or whatever they're called. Peace.

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