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"Guys I have to go back." Chen said walking into the room. Suho nodded "You've been away for a while. Go home and spend time with your family." Chen smiled nodding. "Jongdae!" Kris called from the couch. The younger approached the couch and sat in front of his hyung. "Ne Hyung?"

"I...I brought something for your wife and daughter." Kris muttered. Chen smiled "Really?" Kris nodded "Can someone bring my bag please?" Luhan rushed out of the room coming back with 2 gift boxes. "Gege. The two gift boxes in the black bag, right?" Kris nodded as Luhan handed them to him.

Smiling Kris handed them over to Chen "I didn't get anything huge but your family came to mind when I saw these so I got them." Chen smiled as tears filled his eyes and he hugged Kris. Even though Kris had thought he wouldn't get to see the members when he would visit Korea he had planned on having someone else take it to Jongdae "This gift means the most to us hyung. Thank you."

After Chen had left the boys started cleaning up the room. "Gege Chen texted. His wife loved the gifts." Kris smiled which was followed by a yawn. "Yifan you should rest." Xiumin said sitting next to the other. Kris looked scared for a second but he nodded. "Yeah."

"Your manager told us about your nightmares." Kyungsoo said as Kai and Sehun helped Kris lay down. Kris was shocked as Tao sat on the bed "Gege. Don't worry. We'll stay here with you." For a bit Kris felt ashamed. His dongesangs would protect him while it should have been him protecting them.

Before he could protest the maknae line had joined him in the bed. "Sleep." Sehun muttered Soon the five of them were fast asleep. Later that night Lay came to check on them to find Tao and Kyungsoo hugging Kris. Sehun next to Tao and Kai next to Kyungsoo. The four had formed a protective cocoon around their hyung/gege.

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