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The doctor rushed in while Lay called his members. He was panicking. The doctor had said that there were chances that Kris would loose one of his senses or face some sort of disability but the chances were slim.

When the members arrived the doctor had just finished his check up "His occipital lobe took a high amount of damage due to the accident making him loose his sight." The doctor explained after giving Kris medicine to sleep so that he doesn't panic.

"What?" Chanyeol asked confused "He can get better right?" The doctor looked at them apologetically "There is a way but the risks are high. With the damage to his body he can't go through the surgery right now since it's only available in Japan and he isn't well enough to travel."

"We'll do it. Anything to get him better." Kyungsoo said as the others nodded "As soon as Kris gets better we'll go to Japan." Xiumin said as the manager came out.

"We told Kris about his accident. He doesn't know you guys are here. I think you should talk to him once he wakes up." The boys agreed as they entered the room. 

They were gonna stay by his side. They gave up once they won't give up again. Kris was their brother. They were willing to fight the world for him.

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