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My Xiao Lu

I'm sorry. I wish I could have stayed or at least told you my reason. I know you're disappointed in me. I'll always love you. No matter how much you hate me. Please take care of our maknaes.

I could never be disappointed in you gege.

Wah! You look like you're getting younger every day aren't you Lu. Happy Birthday!

Please don't cry Lu. I saw the performance. You did amazing. You didn't mess up. I promise you it was perfect. I wish I could hug you and tell you that your performance was amazing.

I'm sorry for leaving. For letting you down. For disappointing you. I wish I could stand by your side through all of this. 

You were always there gege. I knew you were. You were with us in our hearts and memories.

I'm going to be in Korea soon. I'm packing my bags. I hope I get to see you guys. Even just for a few seconds.

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