We're here

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"Gege." Kris spoke his voice hoarse as his eyes fluttered open. Even though his eyes were open to him everything was dark. He couldn't see anything and it scared him. "Gege!" He shouted as he heard footsteps.

"I'm right here Yifan." His manager comforted him as tears rolled down Kris cheeks. "Why me gege? Why did this happen to me?" He sobbed as the older man held him. "You'll get better soon Kris. I know you will."

After a few minutes Kris had calmed down and asked for food. His manager smiled as he picked up the food Kyungsoo and Luhan brought earlier. The members sat on the couch watching Kris quietly. They were careful not to say anything or make any noise.

Kris sat up as his manager helped him have a bite of the Jajangmyeon. Kris took a bite but froze all of a sudden. His manager looked back at the boys confused as he saw tears pool up in Kris eyes.

"Kyungsoo." He whispered. He could never forget the taste of his members food. He knew how the food made by Kyungsoo and Xiumin tasted. Unfortunately he also knew how the food made by Sehun and Chanyeol tasted.

The boys smiled as they walked up to the bed. "Hi gege." Luhan smiled. "Lu." Kris smiled slightly as his tears finally fell. The boys rushed to his side. "Hush hyung. Don't cry." Chen whispered wiping away the older tears.

"Mianhe." Kris said in between sobs. "Shhh. It's okay. It wasn't your fault." Xiumin said smiling in between his own tears.

"We're here hyung." Kai smiled. "And we're not leaving you again." Sehun said "Or letting you leave." Suho added joining the group hug.

They were together. After six years they were finally together again. And nothing or no one was separating them again.

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