Welcome back

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Sehun opened the door to the dorm smiling as Luhan pushed the wheel chair. Kris was suppose to use the wheel chair for a few weeks before he could use crutches. 

"Hyung." Xiumin stopped and turned to Kris who was fidgeting with his fingers. He smiled at the sight of the younger. "Didn't the boys already say they forgave you? Don't worry. Everyone missed you Yifan, no one wants you to feel uncomfortable. If you don't want to go we won't force you."

Kris shook his head "Can...can you stay near me." Xiumin smiled coming closer to the wheelchair "I'm right beside you." He ruffled the youngers hair before they took him inside.

"Hyungs here!" Chen shouted seeing the older. Kris smiled hearing the voice "Jongdae! Don't shout." Xiumin scolded the younger as the others rushed out. "Hyung!" Baekhyun smiled as he greeted the older. "We made dinner."

The expression Kris had made the others laugh. "Okay fine. We ordered the food but you're gonna pretend we made it." Chaneyol said making the chuckle as he nodded.

"Yifan." Kris looked up hearing Suho speak not sure where he should be looking. "Welcome back." Kris smiled and nodded as the boys hugged him.

"Gege! Tell Lu-ge to stop!" Tao pouted as he sat next to Kris hugging the older. The boys had helped Kris onto the couch so that he was comfortable. "Luhan. Don't tease the panda." Kris scolded. "But Gege. He started it." Luhan complained as the two bickered.

Kris turned to his other side when he felt someone sit next to him. "I'm glad you're back Kris." Suho said making the other smile. "Me too. I missed everyone." Suho hugged the older. 

"You know I haven't heard those two bicker playfully off camera for a long time." Noticing that Kris was confused Suho explained "After you left we were all hurt but most of us knew you loved us and left for some genuine reason but a lot of us had a hard time accepting your departure. Soon I realised that even though we were still close small things changed in everyone. The maknaes were suddenly mature and stopped bickering with each other. But now with you being back everything is the same as it used to be."

Kris looked down "I'm sorry for giving everyone a hard time." Suho held his hand "No need for that. All that matters now is that you're back with us." Kris turned his head towards the leader. "You're not mad at me?" Suho shook his head "I never was. Yeah I was sad that you left and hurt that you didn't tell me the reason or said goodbye but I could never hate you or be mad at you. You had your reasons and I know that when the time is right you'll tell us your reason. Until then just let us be by your side."

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