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*Mention of self-harm*

Kris stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom. He sighed as he took in his reflection. He could see the bags under his eyes. He could see how his eyes didn't shine anymore. He could see how his smile wasn't the same. He was fake now.

Shaking he picked up his phone and went to his contacts. scrolling down his thumb hovered over an all too familiar contact. One he used to dial so often that he had memorised it. One that he hadn't clicked on for nearly six years now.

He probably hates you

You left him

Abandoned him

He doesn't wanna see you

Or hear you

He shook his head placing his phone away. He had been the one to leave. Tears filled his eyes as he remembered the times he was happy. When he laughed. When he was with his brothers. Brothers. he didn't deserve to call them that. They gave him everything while he just left them.

Do it

You never deserved them

Your worthless

They wouldn't care

Tears rolled down his cheeks as he picked up an object he was so familiar with. This would disappoint them so much. But they didn't care anymore. He placed the razor against his arm carefully pulling it across.

His tears were now flowing freely as he remembered their broken looks. The tears. Tao sitting in the driveway shouting for him. Luhan texting him to know how he was. Xiumin and lay calling him over and over. Suho sending letters stained with his tears begging him to come back, to at least tell them he was fine.

As the blood dripped from his arms he was brought back to reality.Cleaning the blood he wrapped his arms in gauze before heading to bed. His thoughts full of the same people. Those who had truly loved him. Yes he still had people who cared for him but no one could ever replace his members.

That night like every night for the past 5 years he laid in his bed looking up at the roof remembering how he had laughed. If he had still been there and done this his members would have been there to help him. 

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