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*EXO live at 18 hours KST*

Kpop stars EXO will be holding a live. The members have halted their activities and avoided any sort of lives or interviews for nearly a month now. After a months silence the stars are returning with a major surprise for their fans.

A month ago, ex-member Kris Wu, who is famous world wide for his music got in an accident after his arrival in Korea for a hidden schedule. Around the same time EXO went on a semi-hiatus. Kris Wu lose his sight due to the accident and fans have had no update by his agency except that he is gradually recovering and getting ready for his treatment.

Fans wonder if this major surprise of EXO has anything to do with the Chinese idol. Could there be a possible ot12 reunion.

"Anneyong." Suho greeted all their viewers. "We know you guys have been worried. Sorry for just disappearing on all of you." he smiled as Lay spoke. "Don't worry all of us are perfectly fine. In fact we're probably better than ever." Luhan said as everyones smiles widened.

"I'm quite sure most of our fans already guessed this," Chanyeol spoke up "so without any further due." He raised one of his hands dramatically as Sehun and Kai got up before helping Kris sit down. "KRIS (HYUNG)!" The members shouted together as Kris laughed.

"Anneyong." He bowed lightly. "It's been a long time since I did something with the members." He smiled sadly as Xiumin placed his hand over the youngers in a comforting gesture. "I'm sure you all have many questions." Baekhyun said. "We'll answer as many as possible." Chen continued.

"Our staff already selected a bunch of your questions." Tao said as he was handed a tablet. "Should we start?" He asked turning to Suho who nodded. "How is Kris?" He read off the list before turning to Kris. "I'm doing better. My arm and leg healed so now we'll be having an eye surgery soon."

"Is Kris returning to EXO?" Sehun read smiling "You never know. At the moment our only priority is to make sure hyung gets better." Kai smiled nodding as he took the tablet from Sehun. "When are we going to see Chens daughter? I really wanna see the little cutie." Chen smiled "She's still too young and I wanna respect my wife's privacy. I'm sorry." Kai shook his head "She really is a cutie. maybe one day we'll be able to introduce EXO-L to our niece."

"Kris Hyung. After your surgery what is the first thing you wanna see." Kyungsoo asked as Kris smiled answering without any hesitance "My members. I haven't seen them in too long." Kyungsoo smiled as the others teased Kris about how cheesy his answer was.

"What were your reactions when you saw Kris after a long time?" Chanyeol read before chuckling. "I had really mixed emotions." Suho nodded "A part of me wanted to slap him for thinking we would hate him but mostly I just wanted him to wake up and hug us again." This time it was Kris who teased Chanyeol for being too soft.

"What was Kris's reaction when he found out that the members were there?" Chen asked. Kris thought for a few seconds before answering. "When I woke up I had no idea they were there. They didn't say anything and I thought my manager was the only now with me. I had kind of been hoping that they would be there but when I didn't hear anyone I thought they actually hate  me. Then when I was having lunch I instantly recognised the taste. I know exactly how everyones food tastes. Thats when they revealed that all of them were in the room."

"Then all of us began crying." Baekhyun said laughing slightly. "It was really emotional for all of us. I think all of us thought that hyung hated us and hyung thought we hated him." He said shaking his head.

The boys answered a few more light questions until Lay came to the last question. "Why did Kris leave?" The boys froze as they looked up to their managers who nodded encouragingly. "I was threatened. Someone was stalking the members and threatening me to leave the group. At that time I thought agreeing to their condition would be the best but the person still followed the members sending me pictures to remind me that he could harm them. A few months ago we finally caught the person which was why I could visit Korea."

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