The meeting

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"Sit sown boys." The CEO said as the boys took their seats the maknaes quickly sitting next to Kris. "Now Kris I believe we were never properly introduced seeing as I just recently took over. The chairman would often mention you." Kris smiled greeting him. Even though a lot of people hated Lee Sooman the man truly did love the idols in his company. At times he couldn't stop the way the idols were treated and the guilt was heavy on him.

"Kris." Kris smiled hearing his managers voice "How are you feeling now?" He asked taking a seat next to the CEO. "I'm better now. My arm and leg doesn't hurt and I haven't had any nightmares in the past two nights." His manager hummed "That's good. Now do you remember the meeting we came here for?" Kris nodded "Is that still suppose to happen?" His manager nodded then realising he spoke up "It's about to start. Have you told the boys why you left?"

"He just told us." Suho said noticing that Kris didn't want to mention it. 

"Well it looks like you don't have to worry anymore." The CEO said smiling brightly "What?" Lay asked confused "We found the person. Took six years but we had people monitoring every message he sent to Kris in the past six years. 3 months ago he finally left a clue and we had him tracked down." Kris had his hand over his mouth as he muffled a sob.

"Really?" Chen asked as the CEO nodded "He's in police custody. If you guys want we can arrange for you to go there." The boys were about to say yes when Kris cut them off "No! I don't want anything to do with him anymore. I want us to close that chapter."

The boys rushed to hug him "This is what we were gonna tell you in the meeting but then the accident happened. Your contract with SM hasn't ended if you want to return to EXO......" Kris nodded " I.....I can't......"

"We contacted the hospital. There is a treatment being developed in Japan. You can have the surgery in 6 months." Kris smiled nodding "Thank you." He muttered over and over again.

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