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"One of us should stay here." Suho said as he tried to take off his coat the others nodding behind him. "Hyung!" Kai protested. "We can take care of gege!" Tao tried to reassure the others. Luhan shook his head "Suho's right. We can't leave Kris alone with you guys."

"Hyung! Tell them not to worry!" Sehun whined sitting next to Kris who chuckled in reply. "Guys, it's okay. They aren't little kids anymore. we'll be fine. You guys go and finish your work quickly." Kris said motioning for them to leave. "Thank you!" Kai smiled as he waved to the other hyungs trying to push them out of the dorm.

"Wait...where did all of them go again?" Tao asked as the group played some music. Kyungsoo sighed rubbing his forehead "Luhan and Lay hyung had a recording to do. Chen, Baekhyun and Xiumin hyung had a meeting for CBX. Suho hyung had a meeting regarding the sasaeng. Chanyeol hyung has a photo shoot." He recited everyones schedules.

"So.....what are we suppose to do now?" Sehun asked making Kris laugh "You guys act like little kids who've been left home alone for the first time." Kyungsoo laughed as Kai sat up "Hyung! You're suppose to be on our side!" Kris laughed opening his arms "Aww come here nini."

Kai walked over to hug Kris as Tao joined them on the other side "Gege! Me too!" He whined hugging as Kris allowed him to cuddle up next to him. "Hey! Me too!" Sehun said joining in to the cuddle party. 

"Kyungsoo-ah! Come on!" Kris called as the latter shook his head "It's fine hyung." Kris reached out for him "Come on! Please!" Kyungsoo was about to protest when Kai got up pulling him to the group. "There now we're all here." He muttered as they all lay next to each other.

"Gege you won't leave us again? Will you?" Tao asked once he noticed that the rest of his fellow maknaes were fast asleep. Kris smiled sadly "I won't Taozi. I'm not leaving ever again." Tao smiled closing his eyes. "I love you gege. Please don't leave us again. I can't loose you too." He muttered as he dozed off. "I love you too Panda."

"See.....I knew they wouldn't have had lunch or dinner." Suho muttered as Luhan glared at him playfully "Look how cute they look! You can't get mad at them when they look this cute!" He whispered as Xiumin nodded "They look adorable."

"Yeah well now your voices made them wake up!" Chanyeol said as he his his phone along with the rest of the beagle line. "Good evening sleeping beauties!" Baekhyun and Chen cheered. "Evening?" Kris mumbled as Lay nodded "You guys slept all day didn't you?"

Sehun smiled sheepishly as Kai nodded. "Sorry." Tao muttered as Kyungsoo raised his hands "In my defence I tried to refuse." Kai turned to look at him offended "Yet you were the first to sleep." Kyungsoo grinned as the four began arguing forgetting their hyungs. 

"Come on Yifan. I'll make dinner." Xiumin said as Suho helped the latter stand up and walk to the kitchen.

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