Missed us

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"Kris." Xiumin smiled seeing the younger. Sure his arm and leg were wrapped in a cast. Yes he was unconscious. But he was there. That was more than enough. They hadn't been this close to him in six years.

"Gege/Hyung." The members smiled crowding the bed. Kris looked so relaxed. None of those fake smiles. The members couldn't help but smile seeing him so calm. it was like they were looking at their Kris. The Kris they knew and cherished.

Kai held his arm and rolled up the sleeve to reveal the cuts. Some old and some fresh. Chen choked back a sob as his tears threatened to fell. Suho being the first one to snap out of his shock pulled down the sleeve. He couldn't see the cuts while believing that they had been the reason behind the pain.

"Suho-ah!" The boys turned to face the unconscious boys manager. "His phone." The man placed a phone which had shockingly survived the crash. Suho nodded in thanks as Kyungsoo picked up the phone.

"Passcode?" He turned to the members who were now sitting down. Tao and Suho were each holding one of Kris's hands. Lay and Baekhyun had pulled chairs next to the bed. The rest of the members were sitting on couches that were placed around a coffee table.

"His Birthday maybe." Sehun said. Kyungsoo entered the date and shook his head. "What if he never changed it?" Chen said. "Well does anyone remember what it was?" Kyungsoo asked as Tao looked up from the bed "Our debut date."

Kyungsoo typed in the numbers doubting it would work. After all in the past six years the boys had come to believe that Kris hated all of them. "It worked." Kai muttered glancing at the phone that was now unlocked.

The first thing the boys noticed as they crowded around Kyungsoo was the wallpaper. It was the twelve of them. None of the boys could forget the day. It was their first day off after debut. Suho had taken the boys out to an amusement park to celebrate. They had the picture framed and placed in the dorm. Kris used to call it their family photo.

The next thing the boys did was go into his gallery. They were expecting his photos but found that he still had the pictures from twelve years ago. If someone saw his phone they would think he was still a part of EXO.

Scrolling through the phone they saw that he had downloaded all their songs. But the largest surprise was when they went to his contacts. A contact was already open.

'EXO Eomma.'

Kris was about to call Suho before the accident. "But the number's been blocked." Xiumin said noticing the tiny detail. The boys went into the contact list and saw that he still had their numbers. 

Then they opened the notes to see a lot of unsent messages. All to them. "Guys. You might wanna see these." Xiumin called to the four boys sitting around the bed.

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