Chapter 25 Weapons and Wings

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  (Y/s/n) woke up at the ass crack of dawn and immediately let everyone in the house know she was up because of walking to where she wanted to go the jumped. (Y/n) groaned and rolled out of bed not bothering to get dressed as you groggily stumbled to the door to scold (y/s/n). As (y/n) opened the door and looked down the hall Chris's door opened and he stumbled out with a similar but happy expression.
  *Morning Chris. I'm sorry about her, she's not aware of how loud she's being. Ill go tell her to keep it down so you can sleep.* Chris immediately perked up. *Oh don't worry about it let her be excited she deserves it after all that she has been through.* (Y/n) looked down thinking about how strong and happy (y/s/n) still was even with the tragedy she has been through. *Well I guess ill be useful for once and make us some breakfast.* (Y/n) said trying to walk past Chris to the kitchen.
  Chris put his hand out stopping (y/n) in your tracks. *Oh no you wont. You are plenty useful and you still need to relax. I will make breakfast you just go ahead and hang out with your sister for a while.* (Y/n) sighed and half smiled. *Well ok. Just this once.* (Y/n) turned and walked to the living room to greet (y/s/n) and Chris went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. 
  The three ate there breakfast in-between watching (y/s/n) attempt to do cartwheels and summersaults. (Y/s/n) sat down on the floor panting slightly as Chris and (y/n) laughed at her attempts to keep moving while eating. As the three calmed down the house became silent again. Until Chris got up to clean away there plates. *So (y/n), have you tried to actually use your wings yet.* (Y/n) snapped your head up. *Well not really. Its been too painful to do anything until this point. But I might as well try now.* 
  (Y/n) stood up and opened her wings. Chris stared at the beautiful black wings that protruded from (y/n) back. *Well here goes nothing.* (y/n) closed your eyes expecting pain as you made a stroke. But the pain never came. Realizing that you felt pretty good you lifted yourself off the floor and kept rising. (Y/s/n) and Chris stared in awe at (y/n). The impossible was being accomplished and for the first time (y/n) looked at the wings as a gift not a curse and landed.
  *That was amazing sissy.* (y/s/n) said still staring at her sister in awe. *Yeah they really seem like they will come in handy someday.* (Y/n) said folding the wings back in there resting position. *I cant wait until we become actual superhero's this is so exciting.* (Y/s/n) squealed. Chris smiled. *Well I have someone working on your costumes right now and if you want we can order you guys some weapons* Chris said looking over at the pair.
  (Y/n) smirked and huffed. *We might as well.* (Y/s/n) fist bumped the air as Chris went to get his laptop. Being rich and having a father involved in the coke business Chris could get whatever he wanted easy and without question. So it was not really a problem to obtain high quality weapons. Chris gave his laptop to (y/n). *You can make a list of the weapons you want and ill order them for you.* (Y/s/n) and (y/n) faces lit up.
  (Y/n) started to search up the weirdest and coolest weapons in history and (y/s/n) stuck to your side like glue. After about an hour the two sister had a small list of awesome weapons to get. (Y/n) decided on a few small throwing knives and her main weapon being a Kusarigama. While (y/s/n) decided on three smaller weapons. A tekko, aikuchy knife, and a flail. Chris came back to check on the progress. *Damn maybe I should invest in some cooler weapons too.* Chris said looking at there selection.

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