Chapter 13 Surgery and bonding

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(Y/n) laied face down on the table. Flasbacks rising in her mind of a recent time when scientists ripped open her back. She clenched her fists trying to remind herself that this lady, Dr Zazio was only cleaning her up. But trusting someone she just met with medical equiptment was extremely difficult now.
*Ok honey im going to give you a shot of morphine so you dont feel me poking around in your back.* Dr Zazio said getting a needle ready. (Y/n) took a deep breath. She knew she needed to let this doctor treat her. And she also knew this lady was a licenced and certified professional.
But (y/n) still felt anxious. Dr Zazio was just about to inject the morphine when (y/n) stopped her. *Please to calm my nerves let me see the syringe.* (Y/n) asked skeptically. Dr Zazio smiled. *Sure honey. I dont know what you have been through but to make you at ease ill do whatever I have to.* She said handing over the vile.
  After (y/n) looked over the vile she handed it back. Some of her nervs relieved. *Ok I'm going to inject this and get to stitching. If you are uncomfortable at all just slam your hand on the table ok* She said. (Y/n) mutter and ok and Dr Zazio began stapling the larger cuts.
  Meanwhile Chris had brought (y/s/n) upstairs to get some food. (Y/s/n) had really grown to like Chris and saw him almost as a father figure. After losing her own father and only being with her sister for months she felt like she needed a male rolemodel. 
Chris unknowingly became this rolemodel. (Y/s/n) watched his every move almost trying to imitate it. He showed her to the kitchen letting go of her hand. *Well (y/s/n) what would you like to eat?* Chirs asked. (Y/s/n) smiled at him only had to think for one second. *Mac and cheese and chicken nuggets.
Chris chuckled remembering back when he was her age. That was all he used to eat. *That actually sounds great let me go get the stuff.* He said rushing off to the pantry. (Y/s/n) smiled happily waiting for him to return.
  While Chris was on his way to the pantry he went into the living room. *Hey guys im going to make some mac and cheese and chicken nuggets for (y/s/n) do you want any?* He asked. Dave was going to say something when Mindy spoke up.
*No we are good.* She said smugly. There was still clear tension between the two. Dave sighed shaking his head. *Ok well if you want some I will make extra.* Chris said knowing they would be hungry.
Chris retreived the food and went back to the kitchen. (Y/s/n) face lit up upon his return. *Alright ill get cooking.* He said smiling at her. *Yay. Im starving.* She said.
  Downstairs (y/n) was calming down. She was exhausted. The events of the day fully zapping her energy. Her surgery was finnished. But pain still radiated through her back. *Well miss (y/n) you are finnished. I suggest you get something to eat and a lot of rest.* Dr Zazio said.
  *Thank you. I really appreciated this.* (y/n) said getting up and stumbling up the stairs. Then she realized something. *Uh Dr Zazio I dont know where im going.* (y/n) said embarrased. *Well my shift is over so ill show you upstairs. Chris can direct you from there.* She said walking up with (y/n).
Chris stirred the mac and cheese as (y/s/n) put on oven mits to take the chicken nuggets out. They got out some plates and set the table. Then called to Dave and Mindy to let them get a chance to change there minds.
*No we are good.* Mindy huffed. Chris could hear Dave arguing with her. Then he herd the basement door open and Dr Zazio and (y/n) came upstairs. (Y/s/n) ran over to her. *Sissy your back. She said excited. *We made mac and cheese and chicken nuggets.* She led (y/n) to the kitchen.
Dr Zazio motioned for Chris to come over. She pulled him aside and whispered to him. *Keep your eye on (y/n) she is extremely skeptical of you and she has some deep trauma. She needs to rest and eat. Call me if you cant handle her.* She said as she left.

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